Ukraine news latest: Evil Putin branded a ‘fraud and a disgrace’ as Russia ‘illegally’ annexes four Ukrainian regions

VLADIMIR Putin has illegally annexed four Ukraine regions into his control, leading Western politicians to brand him a “fraud and a disgrace.”

The Russian leader claimed he scored a victory in the Ukrainian regions of Luhansk, Donetsk, Kherson, and Zaporizhzhia following sham referendums over recent days.

Putin said following the referendums “people have made a choice” and claimed that it is due to the “will of the people” that the annexations have happened.

Since the annexations were formalised, Western officials have slammed the dictator, with Boris Johnson branding him a “fraud and a disgrace.”

Meanwhile, US Secretary of State, Anthony Blinken, said: “The entire process around these sham referenda was a complete farce. This territory is and will remain Ukraine, and Ukraine has every right to defend its land, to defend its people and to take back the territory that Russia has seized from it.”

Read our Ukraine-Russia live blog below for the latest updates…

  • Russian annexation branded a ‘farce’

    Anthony Blinken, the US Secretary of State, has branded today’s annexations a “farce” and stated “no one is fooled” by the show in Moscow today.

    “No one is fooled by what Moscow has done,” he said.

    “The entire process around these sham referenda was a complete farce. This territory is and will remain Ukraine, and Ukraine has every right to defend its land, to defend its people and to take back the territory that Russia has seized from it.”

  • Russia running low on medical supplies, MoD reports

    The Ministry of Defence has provided Brits with a look into the battlefield details of the war in Ukraine.

    The statement reads: “Medical provision for Russian combat troops in Ukraine is probably growing worse. Some newly mobilised Russian reservists have been ordered to source their own combat first aid supplies, with the advice that female sanitary products are a cost-effective solution.

    “Medical training and first-aid awareness is likely poor. Some Russia troops have obtained their own modern, Western-style combat torniquets but have stowed them on their equipment using cable-ties, rather than with the Velcro provided – probably because such equipment is scarce and liable to be pilfered.

    “This is almost certain to hamper or render impossible the timely application of torniquet care in the case of catastrophic bleeding on the battlefield.

    “Russian troops’ lack of confidence in sufficient medical provision is almost certainly contributing to a declining state of morale and a lack of willingness to undertake offensive operations in many units in Ukraine.”

  • Putin takes aim at the west in annexation speech

    Putin pinned the blame for the war in Ukraine on the west today, as he announced the formal annexation of four Ukrainian territories.

    “The destruction of this Western hegemony is irreversible, the world will never be the same”, the Russian dictator said.

    “And we are called by this history, by our faith to fight for historic Russia.

    “For great, historic Russia, for future generations, for our children and grandchildren, we need to protect them from these experiments which aimed to break their soul and their consciousness.

    “We are fighting for our culture, for our language so that it’s impossible to cancel it and remove it from history.”

  • Breaking: Ukraine officially applies to join Nato

    Following Putin’s official annexation of four Ukrainian regions, President Zelensky has announced his country’s official application to join NATO.

    He said: “We have already made our way to Nato.

    “We have already proven compatibility with the Alliance’s standards.

    “They are real for Ukraine – real on the battlefield and in all aspects of our interaction. We trust each other, we help each other, and we protect each other. That’s what the Alliance is. De facto.

    “Today, Ukraine is applying to make it de jure. In a process that is consistent with our value in protecting our entire community. In an expedited manner. 

    “We are taking our decisive step by signing Ukraine’s application for accelerated accession to Nato.”

    Click here to read more.

  • Ukraine’s security forces issues statement following Putin’s speech

    The Ukrainian military has issued a statement following Russia’s annexation of four of its regions.

    Speaking of how they will respond to these attacks, the statement reads: “The measures that must be taken to ensure the collective security of the Euro-Atlantic space and Ukraine were discussed.

    “In particular, this is the strengthening and expansion of the international coalition in support of Ukraine, the increase of military and technical assistance to our country, the strengthening of sanctions pressure on Russia, the implementation of proposals to guarantee security in the international arena, the activation of the strategy of nuclear deterrence of Russia by the countries of the Euro-Atlantic space, as well as countering hybrid threats caused by the aggressor country.”

    Click here for the full statement.

  • President Zelensky did not watch Putin’s speech, reports claim

    The Guardian’s Isobel Koshiw has said that President Zelensky did not watch Putin’s annexation speech.

    Currently, the steadfast Ukrainian leader is deep in talks with his security committee.

    Mr Zelensky will respond in a video address later today, the Guardian reports.

  • In pictures: Putin and his lackeys celebrate annexation of Ukraine

    Pictured below, Putin celebrates the official annexation of four Ukrainian regions side-by-side with the pro-Russian leadership he has installed there.

  • US to blame for nuclear fears, Putin claims

    Unsurprisingly, Putin touched on the threat of nuclear war in his speech, laying the blame firmly at the feet of the United States.

    Putin said the US created nuclear fears when it attacked Hiroshima and Nagasaki during World War 2, killing around 200,000 people.

  • West is trying to break up Russia, Putin claims

    Putin has accused the west of attempting to destroy Russia, in a speech made prior to the official annexation of four Ukrainian territories.

    “Back in 1991 the West believed that the USSR will not come back, or Russia will not come back, from that blow,” he said.

    “And we had awful 1990s but Russia withstood that and became more powerful and took its deserved place.

    “But the West is looking new opportunities to hit us and they always dreamt about breaking our state into smaller states who will be fighting against each other.”

  • EU responds to Russian annexation of Ukrainian territories

    The EU’s leadership has released a statement following the illegal annexation of four Ukrainian territories.

    “We firmly reject and unequivocally condemn the illegal annexation by Russia of Ukraine’s Donetsk, Luhansk, Zaporizhzhia and Kherson regions,” the statement reads.

    “By wilfully undermining the rules-based international order and blatantly violating the fundamental rights of Ukraine to independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, core principles as enshrined in the UN Charter and international law, Russia is putting global security at risk.

    “We do not and will never recognise the illegal ‘referenda’ that Russia has engineered as a pretext for this further violation of Ukraine’s independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity, nor their falsified and illegal results. We will never recognise this illegal annexation.”

    Read the full statement below.

  • Putin slams ‘western hegemony’ in annexation speech

    “The destruction of this Western hegemony is irreversible, the world will never be the same”, the Russian dictator said.

    “And we are called by this history, by our faith to fight for historic Russia.

    “For great, historic Russia, for future generations, for our children and grandchildren, we need to protect them from these experiments which aimed to break their soul and their consciousness.

    “We are fighting for our culture, for our language so that it’s impossible to cancel it and remove it from history.”

  • In pictures: Crowds gather in the Red Square

    Thousands gathered in Moscow today, as Russia celebrated the formal annexation of four Ukrainian regions.

    Reports have suggested that many in the crowd are there through forced attendance.

  • A standing ovation from the crowd

    An eery round of applause spreads through the crowd following the signing, despite the clapping, all seem very serious.

    The national anthem is then played.

source site-19

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