Russia news LIVE: Ukraine liberates more than 30 settlements in Kharkiv, as Putin’s brutal invasion is pushed back

UKRAINIAN President Volodymyr Zelensky has announced the successful liberation of over 30 settlements in Kharkiv.

According to the steadfast Ukrainian president, troops have taken back over 30 key settlements in the region.

In his nightly address, Zelensky hailed the bravery of his troops, as he said: “We are returning the Ukrainian flag and protection to our people everywhere.”

This comes as Ukraine continues its counteroffensive in the region, as they fight to regain land taken during Putin’s brutal invasion.

In a video uploaded to Twitter by the Ukrainian military, liberating troops can be seen raising the Ukrainian flag in several locations, as civilians take to the streets in celebration.

Captioning the video, General Valerii Zaluzhnyi, Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, said: “It is very difficult for us, but we are moving forward.”

Read our Ukraine-Russia blog below for the latest updates…

  • What did Her Majesty have to say about Russia’s Vladimir Putin?

    The Queen met Vladimir Putin at Buckingham Palace when he made a state visit to the UK in 2003.

    He made the Queen wait for 14 minutes for him to arrive at the Palace – which prompted the Her Majesty to have a subtle dig at him later.

    According to then-Home Secretary David Blunkett, his guide dog reacted defensively towards Putin in the course of the visit.

    “The only time I met Vladimir Putin was back in 2003 on an official visit and my then dog barked very loudly,” he told the BBC.

    “I did apologise to the Queen who was obviously hosting. I don’t think I am giving anything away when I said, ‘Sorry your Majesty about the dog barking.’

    She said, ‘Dogs have interesting instincts, don’t they?’”

  • Putin threatens to completely shut off Europe’s gas if price cap is imposed

    Russian despot Vladimir Putin has threatened to completely shut off Europe’s gas supply if the EU goes ahead with its proposed price cap.

    Addressing a forum in Vladivostok, he said: “Will there be any political decisions that contradict the contracts? Yes, we just won’t fulfil them. We will not supply anything at all if it contradicts our interests.”

    Quoting a Russian fairy tale he added: “We would only have one thing left to do. As in the famous Russian fairy tale, we would sentence the wolf’s tail to be frozen.”

  • Two workers at Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant beaten to death, officials claim

    Two Ukrainian workers at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant have reportedly been beaten to death by Russian troops.

    According to the president of Ukraine’s nuclear energy agency, around 200 workers are currently under Russian occupation at the plant.

    Many of these workers have been subject to torture, the report claims.

  • Russian losses continue to mount as Putin’s bloody invasion rages on

    According to Ukraine’s Defence Ministry, Russian forces have lost another 650 personnel taking the total to 51,900.

    A further 10 tanks and 18 armoured vehicles were also destroyed.

    This comes Ukraine makes successful gains in the area of Kharkiv, where troops have been seen raising Ukrainian flags as they push Russia back.

  • Ben Wallace granted special award by Ukrainian government

    Ben Wallace, the British defence secretary, has been granted a special award by Ukraine’s Volodymyr Zelensky.

    Ukraine’s defence minister, Oleksii Reznikov, took to Twitter to thank Wallace for Britain’s commitment to aiding Ukraine in its fight against Russia.

    He said the award, titled the Order of Prince Yaroslav the Wise 2nd degree, “is to express our gratitude for your contribution to supporting our resistance&strengthening the capabilities of #UAarmy Congratulations, dear Ben!”

  • Ukrainian military shares video of liberated Kharkiv territories

    The official page of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine has shared footage of the recently liberated area of Kharkiv.

    In the triumphant video, Ukrainian flags can be seen being raised atop buildings, as family members are reunited and Russian forces are driven back.

    The video shows Ukrainian people taking to the streets to pay tribute to their troops.

  • Ukraine’s minister of defence meets with Ben Wallace

    Ukraine’s minister of defence met with Ben Wallace, the Uk’s defence secretary, at Ramstein Air Base yesterday.

    Taking to Twitter, Oleksii Reznikov declared: “UK military assistance has been dramatically strengthening the Ukrainian army.

    “We believe that the truth and democracy will prevail over tyranny. Our partnership is strong and getting even stronger”.

  • Nato calls on Ukraine’s allies to provide winter uniforms

    Temperatures in Ukraine can fall well below freezing in the winter, and now Nato Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg has called on the country’s allies to provide cold-resistant uniforms.

    “The winter is coming, it’s going to be hard, and therefore we need both to continue to supply weapons and ammunition but also winter clothing, tents, generators and all the specific equipment which is needed for the winter,” he said.

    “Partly because the size of the Ukrainian army has just increased so much, they need more of this kind of winter equipment, and Nato is particularly focused on how we can provide tens of thousands of, for instance, winter uniforms,” he went on to say.

  • Draft IAEA board resolution calls for Russia to leave Europe’s largest nuclear power plant

    A draft resolution released ahead of IAEA’s Board of Governors meeting next week has called on Russia to leave the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant.

    The UN’s nuclear department has condemned Russia’s “persistent violent actions against nuclear facilities in Ukraine.”

    This comes as fears of a Chornobyl-style disaster continue to grow around Europe.

  • Norway to send 160 Hellfire missiles to Ukraine

    Norway will send approximately 160 Hellfire missiles to Ukraine, as the democratic West looks to aid Ukraine in its fight against Putin’s forces.

    Norwegian Defense Minister Bjorn Arild Gram reported the package will also include launching pads, guidance units, and night vision devices.

    Norway is just one of several countries sending military, financial, and humanitarian aid to Ukraine, with Britain playing a leading role.

  • What did Her Majesty have to say about Russia’s Vladimir Putin?

    The Queen met Vladimir Putin at Buckingham Palace when he made a state visit to the UK in 2003.

    He made the Queen wait for 14 minutes for him to arrive at the Palace – which prompted the Her Majesty to have a subtle dig at him later.

    According to then-Home Secretary David Blunkett, his guide dog reacted defensively towards Putin in the course of the visit.

    “The only time I met Vladimir Putin was back in 2003 on an official visit and my then dog barked very loudly,” he told the BBC.

    “I did apologise to the Queen who was obviously hosting. I don’t think I am giving anything away when I said, ‘Sorry your Majesty about the dog barking.’

    She said, ‘Dogs have interesting instincts, don’t they?’”

  • Vladimir Putin pens letter to Britain, following Her Majesty’s passing

    Russian dictator Vladimir Putin has penned a letter to the United Kingdon, following Her Majesty’s passing yesterday.

    In his message, he said the Queen “rightfully enjoyed the love and respect of her subjects, as well as authority on the world stage”.

    “I wish you courage and resilience in the face of this difficult, irreparable loss,” said Putin.

    “May I ask you to pass on sincere condolences and support to members of the royal family and the entire people of Great Britain.”

  • Rebuilding Ukraine to cost $350 billion, World Bank reports

    A World Bank report has suggested Ukraine’s recovery from Russia’s invasion could cost a staggering $350 billion.

    Presently, Ukraine has already lost $252 billion as a result of Russia’s brutal invasion.

    “The impact of the invasion will be felt for generations, with families displaced and separated, disruptions to human development, destruction of intrinsic cultural heritage and reverse of a positive economic and poverty trajectory,” the report said.

  • Ukraine ‘huge cost’ for Russia, US official reports

    US Secretary of State Antony Blinken has claimed Putin’s bloodthirsty war in Ukraine has come at a “huge cost” to the Russian people.

    “There are a huge number of Russian forces that are in Ukraine and unfortunately, tragically, horrifically President Putin has demonstrated that he will throw a lot of people into this at huge cost to Russia,” he said.

    This comes just days after Putin claimed Russia has “lost nothing” since the war in Ukraine began.

  • The latest update on the war in Ukraine

    The Ministry of Defence provided a new update on the war in Ukraine today, with a focus on the recent military exercises in Belarus.

    The statement reads: “Fighting continues in southern, eastern and northern Ukraine.

    “On 08 September 2022, the military of Belarus, Ukraine’s northern neighbour, started routine training exercises to regain territory taken by ‘enemy forces’ and secure their borders. The exercises are due to last until 14 September 2022.

    “The drills will be conducted close to Brest near the Polish border, around the Belarusian capital Minsk and in the north-eastern region of Vitebsk.

    “Although Russia’s use of Belarusian territory was instrumental in Russia’s failed advance on Kyiv early in the invasion, Belarusian forces have limited offensive capabilities and there is a remote chance that they have deployed forces into Ukraine.

    “It is highly unlikely that these exercises are an indication of preparations for direct Belarusian involvement in the Ukraine war.”

  • New iPhone still available to Russians, despite sanctions

    The new iPhone 14 will still be available for Russians to purchase, despite the plethora of trading sanctions currently placed on the country, according to a government official.

    “If consumers want to buy these phones, you’re welcome. They will have that chance,” Industry and Trade Minister Denis Manturov told Russia’s RIA Novosti news agency.

    This comes despite Apple claiming to have stopped operations in the country.

  • Russian General captured

    A bloodied and bruised top Russian General was captured by Ukrainian forces in the latest humiliating blow for Vladimir Putin.

    Dramatic footage claims to show Colonel General Andrei Sychevoi handcuffed and on his knees alongside several weary Russian troops.

  • Poland, Baltic states to limit Russian travel in the coming weeks

    Beginning September 19, Poland and the Baltic states will limit the entry of Russian tourists.

    These plans were confirmed by Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas.

    In action, this will see Russian tourists having to go through long and expensive routes to enter these countries.

  • US approves $675m in Ukrainian military aid

    The United States has approved a further $675m in military aid for Ukraine, according to US defence secretary Lloyd Austin.

    Austin praised Ukraine’s “demonstrable success” in resisting Putin’s invasion but claimed that Zelensky and his allies need to adapt as Europe prepares for a cold winter.

    Austin announced these investments at Ramstein Air Base in Germany.

  • US Defence Secretary praises Ukrainian troops

    US Defence Secretary Lloyd Austin has praised the success of Ukraine’s forces in Kharkiv and Kherson.

    “We see success in Kherson now, we see some success in Kharkiv and so that is very, very encouraging,” he told a press conference in Prague.

  • ‘Russian airstrike hits hospital’

    According to Ukrainian officials in the region a Russian airstrike has hit a hospital in Ukraine’s Sumy region.

    According to reports, the attack has caused casualties and resulted in the premises being destroyed.

  • United Nations deeply concerned

    The United Nations’ has warned that Russia is not allowing access to Ukrainian prisoners of war.

    They have said they are deeply concerned about their welfare.

    Matilda Bogner said in Geneva: “The Russian Federation has not provided access to prisoners of war held on its territory or in territory under its occupation.” 

    She added: “This is all the more worrying since we have documented that prisoners of war in the power of the Russian Federation and held by the Russian Federation’s armed forces or by affiliated armed groups have suffered torture and ill-treatment.” 

  • UK’s Ministry of Defence release latest update

    Fighting continues in southern, eastern and northern Ukraine the Ministry confirmed in their latest intelligence update.

    The Ministry said: “On 08 September 2022, the military of Belarus, Ukraine’s northern neighbour, started routine training exercises to regain territory taken by ‘enemy forces’ and secure their borders. The exercises are due to last until 14 September 2022.

    “The drills will be conducted close to Brest near the Polish border, around the Belarusian capital Minsk and in the north-eastern region of Vitebsk.

    “Although Russia’s use of Belarusian territory was instrumental in Russia’s failed advance on Kyiv early in the invasion, Belarusian forces have limited offensive capabilities and there is a remote chance that they have deployed forces into Ukraine.

    “It is highly unlikely that these exercises are an indication of preparations for direct Belarusian involvement in the Ukraine war.”

  • Russia face heavy loses again

    According to Ukraine’s Defence Ministry, Russian forces have lost another 650 personnel taking the total to 51,900.

    A further 10 tanks and 18 armored vehicles were also destroyed.

  • Zelensky pays tribute to the Queen

    Ukraine’s Zelensky has released a tribute to the Queen following Her Majesty’s passing.

    He said: “On behalf of the Ukrainian people, we extend sincere condolences to the Royal Family, the entire United Kingdom and the Commonwealth over this irreparable loss.

    “Our thoughts are prayers are with you.”

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