Get the Full Effect: The 5 Best Full-Spectrum CBD Tinctures

Finding the best full-spectrum CBD tincture for you in the sea of eleventy-thousand (and growing) options can be overwhelming. That’s why we vetted a number of quality brands, selecting only the very best, to help you make sense of it all.

What is CBD?

First things first — let’s go over what CBD is.

CBD is an abbreviation for cannabidiol, one of more than 100 compounds called cannabinoids that are found in cannabis plants.

Another cannabinoid you’ll probably recognize is THC (oh, high there). Even though they’re both cannabinoids, CBD and THC work in different ways. CBD doesn’t have the same intoxicating effects but is showing promise as a treatment for some conditions, so it’s an attractive option for symptom relief.

Recent research suggests that CBD has the potential to treat mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression. And, because it has anti-inflammatory properties, CBD may also be useful for treating chronic pain.

There’s lots of promising research, but it’s important to point out that there’s still a lot we don’t know and need to learn before we can recommend CBD as a treatment for medical conditions.

Okay, so what’s full-spectrum CBD?

There are three main types of CBD products out there:

  • Full-spectrum CBD. This contains all the cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes found naturally in the cannabis plant, including THC.
  • Broad-spectrum CBD. This contains all the cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes — but *not* THC.
  • CBD isolate. Pure cannabidiol (CBD) — no THC or other cannabinoids, flavonoids, or terpenes.

Full-spectrum CBD is special because of something called the “entourage effect.” The theory is that THC, CBD, terpenes, and flavonoids are stronger together, boosting CBD’s therapeutic benefits.

Researchers are still trying to confirm this and studies are ongoing. A 2018 study, for example, found that CBD isolate was less effective than the same doses of other forms of CBD for people with epilepsy. A 2020 study also found that keeping these compounds together can help treat mood and anxiety disorders.

Bottom line: Full-spectrum products are thought to produce better results, but it hasn’t been definitively proven.

CBD glossary

  • Cannabinoids. 100+ compounds found in cannabis plants (THC and CBD are two of the most abundant).
  • Flavonoids. The antioxidants found in the cannabis plant.
  • Terpenes. These are aromatic oils that give plants (like cannabis!) their signature scent.

What is a CBD tincture? 

These days, most products called CBD tinctures are actually CBD oils (confusing, we know). You can tell the difference by checking out how the brand extracts its CBD and whether there’s alcohol in the final product:

  • CBD tincture. Cannabis is soaked in alcohol and water, then slowly heated. The final product will also contain alcohol.
  • CBD oil. Most commonly, the CBD is diffused into a carrier oil (like coconut oil or sunflower oil). There won’t be any alcohol in the final product. (Note: Even if the CBD is extracted with alcohol, products that do not have alcohol in the final products are technically considered oils).

Either way, CBD oils and tinctures have similar therapeutic claims to help relieve symptoms like pain, inflammation, and anxiety, they’re just made in different ways.

How we chose the best full-spectrum CBD

There are literally hundreds upon hundreds of cannabidiol (CBD) products on the market, so finding the right one for you can be overwhelming.

We chose these products based on criteria we think are good indicators of safety, quality, and transparency. (FYI: The CBD itself wasn’t what made our top picks stand out in a crowd.)

Each product in this article:

  • is made by a company that provides proof of third-party testing by an ISO 17025-compliant lab
  • is made with U.S.-grown hemp
  • contains no more than 0.3 percent THC, according to the certificate of analysis (COA)
  • meets established safety levels for pesticides, heavy metals, residual solvents, and molds, according to the COA

We also considered:

  • company certifications and manufacturing processes
  • product potency
  • overall ingredients
  • indicators of user trust and brand reputation, such as:
    • customer reviews
    • whether the company has been subject to an FDA warning letter
    • whether the company makes any unsupported health claims

Pricing guide

Full-spectrum CBD tinctures are available in the full spectrum of price points.

  • $ = under $50
  • $$ = $50–75
  • $$$ = over $75

The 5 best full-spectrum CBD tinctures

Whether you’re looking for a beginner-friendly tincture to try or you’re ready to invest in a high quality, high volume option, you can find the right full-spectrum CBD tincture for you.

Best high-potency full-spectrum tincture

Absolute Nature Full-Spectrum CBD Tincture

absolute nature full spectrum cbd tincture
  • Price: $$$
  • CBD per serving: 33 milligrams
  • Total CBD: 1,000 milligrams
  • COA: available online

Absolute Nature Full-Spectrum CBD Tincture is made with just two ingredients: whole-plant CBD oil and medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) oil.

The tincture is non-GMO and contains a high amount of CBD as well as other cannabinoids from the cannabis plant — all included to provide the best possible benefits without the high

This one’s a bit pricey, but it’s has the highest total CBD on our list. It’s also grown organically without chemicals, additives, or preservatives.

Reviewers say it works but note that its earthy scent and taste might not be for everyone.

Check out our full review of Absolute Nature’s products here.

Best rated full-spectrum tincture

CBDistillery Full-Spectrum CBD Tincture

CBDistillery full spectrum cbd tincture
  • Price: $
  • CBD per serving: 17 milligrams
  • Total CBD: 500 milligrams
  • COA: available online

This CBDistillery Full-Spectrum CBD Tincture also combines only CBD oil and MCT oil. The company claims that naturally occurring plant proteins, minerals, and vitamins enhance the overall benefits of the cannabis plant without any potentially intoxicating effects. 

This pick is a little easier on your wallet, but you won’t have to compromise — it’s still non-GMO and U.S.-grown.

With more than 1,000 positive reviews, this tincture’s pretty much guaranteed to be good. Reviewers specifically comment on the product’s great value and fast-acting effects.

Best tasting full-spectrum tincture

Kanibi Full-Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture

Kanibi full spectrum cbd tincture
  • Price: $$
  • CBD per serving: 25 milligrams
  • Total CBD: 750 milligrams
  • COA: available online

Kanibi Full Spectrum CBD Oil Tincture is sourced from organically grown Kentucky hemp and combined with MCT oil as the carrier oil. The cannabis is complete with a full spectrum of cannabinoids to maximize the entourage effect (just in case it’s real!).

This product is also available in a 1,500-milligram bottle and in a variety of yummy flavors, including Skittles, cinnamon, and choco mint. #yum

Reviewers say the tincture is effective with great flavor that isn’t too strong. However, at least one reviewer says they wish the bottle was transparent so they could see when they’re running low.

Best flavorless full-spectrum tincture

Lazarus Naturals High Potency Full-Spectrum CBD Tincture

Lazarus Naturals High Potency Full spectrum cbd tincture
  • Price: $
  • CBD per serving: 50 milligrams
  • Total CBD: 750 milligrams
  • COA: available online

Lazarus Naturals High Potency Full-Spectrum CBD Tincture is a great option for anyone who wants a higher concentration of CBD without a sky-high price tag. It’s also made using only all-natural, vegan ingredients.

This product we’re recommending is unflavored — but if that’s not your thing, Lazarus Naturals also offers infused tinctures that are flavored with extracts and terpenes.

Reviewers say the lack of added flavor makes this tincture super earthy and herbal. However, they rave about the CBD’s effects and brand’s customer service.

Best eco-friendly full-spectrum tincture

RE Botanicals Hemp Full-Spectrum Classic Tincture

RE Botanicals Hemp Full spectrum cbd tincture
  • Price: $$$
  • CBD per serving: 25 milligrams
  • Total CBD: 2,500 milligrams
  • COA: available online

Like the other full-spectrum CBD tinctures on our list, RE Botanicals Hemp Full-Spectrum Classic Tincture keeps it simple. This contains just two ingredients: full-spectrum organic hemp and certified organic MCT coconut oil. This easy-to-take liquid tincture has a beautiful light golden color and a pure hemp flavor.

Bonus for the do-gooders: 1 percent of RE Botanicals sales are donated to regenerative agriculture and helping farmers create healthier soils.

There are no on-site reviews yet for this product, but the brand offers an unconditional refund guarantee within 30 days of purchase. We love that for you.

How to shop for full-spectrum CBD tinctures

Our list is hardly exhaustive — there are so many options out there. If you haven’t found a new favorite full-spectrum CBD tincture on our list, be informed as you search for your perfect match.

For instance, maybe you wanna try something other than full-spectrum.

Types of CBD

If you want to avoid THC, look for broad-spectrum CBD or isolate products as an alternative. Here’s a little recap of the types of CBD:

This is a good time to review the entourage effect, a theory about how the whole might be greater than the sum of its parts. Basically, it suggests that leaving all the cannabis compounds together (full-spectrum CBD) strengthens CBD’s therapeutic effects against anxiety, depression, and more. Research is promising, but still inconclusive.

If you need to be drug tested, be aware that a full-spectrum product can test positive for THC. If that’s a concern, choose broad-spectrum CBD or a CBD isolate.

Types of CBD products

Not sure if a tincture is right for you? There are sooooo many types of CBD products you could try.

CBD comes in many ingestible forms including gummies, capsules, and more. If you want full-body effects but hate the taste of tinctures and oils, go with capsules. Want something fun and whimsical that also tastes yummy? Go the gummy route.

CBD topicals (salves, balms, and creams) are better for targeting specific areas, so they’re ideal for things like arthritis or muscle aches.

Finding quality products

Figured out your preferred CBD and product type? Here are a few suggested practices when shopping for a quality CBD product:

  • Read the label carefully to understand what you’re getting.
  • Make sure the manufacturer’s certificate of analysis (COA), which is proof of third-party testing, is available and up-to-date. 
  • Consider the CBD source. Look for U.S.-grown hemp, in particular, because of agricultural regulations.
  • Make sure the type of hemp is legal at the federal level: Any CBD product must contain less than 0.3 percent THC.
  • Read consumer reviews — like, a lot of them. And then read a few more. These will help you understand which products are legit and the best for your needs.
  • Avoid products with a bunch of negative reviews and/or formal complaints — go ahead and cross them off your list.
  • Don’t fall for any snake oil marketing jargon. CBD products are not a cure-all.

How to use full-spectrum CBD tinctures

To use a CBD tincture, you drop the desired amount under your tongue, hold it there for about 20 seconds, and then swallow. The CBD absorbs through the membranes in your mouth, which helps you feel the effects faster than you would if you had eaten it.

Keep in mind: Studies have shown that ingesting CBD along with high fat meals can increase side effects. So stick to lighter meals, at least at first.


Whether you’re a CBD newcomer or an experienced user just trying a new full-spectrum CBD tincture, dosage can be tricky. Stick to the golden rule of dosing: Go low and go slow. 

Most full-spectrum tinctures have a recommended dosage, but that doesn’t mean you have to start there. You can start with half that amount and see how that feels.

You can also talk with your doctor to find out what they would recommend.

Frequently asked questions

Is full-spectrum CBD legal?

Hemp-derived CBD has been federally descheduled, but what does that mean for you? It means CBD products with less than 0.3 percent THC are now federally legal, but you’ll still need to check your state’s regulations because CBD could still be prohibited where you live.

Does CBD work?

More research is needed, but preliminary studies have found that CBD could be a relatively safe and effective treatment for a variety of health issues, including:

Is CBD safe?

Generally speaking, yes, CBD is considered safe. But more research is needed on CBD safety and specifically on how CBD will interact with other medications or drugs.

Currently, the FDA doesn’t guarantee the safety of CBD products with the exception of one approved substance proven to help with seizures. If you’re unsure whether CBD is right for you, talk with your doctor, especially if you’re currently taking any meds or supplements.

What are the side effects of using CBD?

As with most supplements, medications, or therapies, side effects are possible when using CBD. Potential side effects could include:

Meals high in fat can increase your risk of experiencing side effects. That’s because research shows that high fat foods can cause your CBD blood concentrations to skyrocket. So take your CBD way before you dig into the cheese plate.

You can minimize the risk of side effects by following the manufacturer’s dosing instructions.

And talk with your doctor. It’s always a good idea to reach out to a medical professional for recommendations about what’s right for your body.

The bottom line

Tinctures are a common way to reap the benefits of full-spectrum CBD. Just make sure to use only products that can verify they contain 0.3 percent THC or less.

There are many full-spectrum CBD tinctures to choose from, but quality is everything. Do your research and consider discussing any new CBD regimen with your doctor.

Is CBD Legal? Marijuana-derived CBD products are illegal on the federal level but are legal under some state laws. Hemp-derived CBD products (with less than 0.3 percent THC) are legal on the federal level but are still illegal under some state laws. Check your state’s laws and those of anywhere you travel. Keep in mind that nonprescription CBD products are not FDA-approved and may be inaccurately labeled.

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