Fortnite Update 1.000.087 Drops for v23.20 This Jan. 18; Patch Notes & Datamined Content Listed (Update)

Fortnite update 1.000.087 has been released on all platforms, and this is for the v23.20 patch! Expect new content, changes and more to be included. We’ve also listed the datamined content available in the data as well. Read on for everything new in the Fortnite January 18 patch notes.

Fortnite Update 1.000.087 | Fortnite January 18 Patch Notes:

Update: Full patch notes have been added!

Looking for loot? The Battle Royale v23.20 update introduces the Falcon Scout to help you find loot from afar, plus a Reality Augment that’ll lead to buried treasure. This update brings five new Reality Augments total!


A majestic creature to help you achieve a most noble victory, the Falcon Scout item is at your service! Deploy your Falcon Scout and control where it flies, ping or place markers, and caw to create a radius in which all opponents will be marked for your squad. You can also use your Falcon Scout to open containers and pick up loot. Carry the loot to yourself or a teammate and then scout for more!

Fortnite Falcon Scout Gameplay 2

To help you easily control your Falcon Scout, your view will shift to behind it. This may leave you defenseless if you’re not fighting in a team, so be sure to find a hiding spot if you’re battling solo. Also, be careful where you’re flying, as the Falcon Scout is vulnerable to enemy attack. (See its remaining Health in its Health bar.) Because the Falcon Scout is controlled remotely, there’s a max distance it can fly from you, trackable in its distance bar.

Falcon Scouts are findable from the ground, regular Chests, Oathbound Chests, and Supply Drops. There’s no limit as to how many times you can use the same Falcon Scout in a match.


Five more Reality Augments enter the fray in v23.20! Activate these new Reality Augments starting now: 


Fortnite Peelys Plunder Reality Augment

Receive a treasure map that will lead you to buried treasure.


Fortnite Shotgun Striker Reality Augment

Your Shotgun fire will give you Siphon upon hitting opponents.


Fortnite Rarity Check Reality Augment

Get Siphon upon eliminations with Common and Uncommon weapons.


Fortnite Zero Chance Reality Augment

Temporarily gain the Zero Point dash ability each time you break an enemy’s Shield.


Fortnite Danger Hero Reality Augment

Briefly regenerate Health and gain movement speed when your Shield breaks.


With v23.20, hired Characters can now ride vehicles as passengers! No longer leave Helsie hanging or dishonor Raptorian the Brave.


In the v23.10 update, we added the Dynamic 3D Resolution setting to Fortnite on PC, accessible in the “Graphics Quality” section of the Video settings when your rendering mode is set to DirectX 12. Players on PC are able to turn on Dynamic 3D Resolution when their “Anti-Aliasing & Super Resolution” setting is set to one of the Temporal Super Resolution (TSR) options. Also, players need to have run “Auto-Set Quality” at least once.

Dynamic 3D Resolution allows the resolution of the game to scale with performance, giving both smoother AND higher frame rates as the GPU load changes. (Please note this means an increase in PC memory usage to accommodate larger rendering resolution.) Dynamic 3D Resolution is also available in creator-made islands and Save the World.


  • The Rarity Check Reality Augment is not included in competitive playlists.


  • Fixed the issue that caused us to disable the Deku Smash in Battle Royale/Zero Build. The Deku Smash has been re-enabled in Battle Royale/Zero Build.
  • Fixed issues related to mantling in which players would sometimes be flung across the map.
  • Fixed an issue in which, in some instances, sprinting would be disabled for the duration of a match.
  • Reality Augments can again be unlocked from teammates.
  • Players can again damage objects with their Pickaxe consistently.
  • Players are now able to select Reality Augments while on a Dirt Bike.
  • Players can now use the Guardian Shield while on the back of an OG Bear pick-up truck or a Dirt Bike.

The Fortnite v23.20 update brings the Shockwave Hammer, Falcon Scout, Guardian Shield, and Reboot Van from Fortnite Battle Royale! v23.20 also brings an upgraded Ball Spawner device, new visual variants for the Wildlife Spawner, custom post-game options expanded to all islands, plus updates and bug fixes for devices, islands, and tools.


Shockwave Hammer
The Shockwave Hammer is a melee weapon that not only does damage, but can also launch the player, a player’s squad, or their opponents away from the point of impact.

After charging up the Slam attack, players can launch others by releasing the primary fire control while they are jumping in the air. They can launch themselves and others by holding primary fire control when the hammer impacts the ground. It’s like the Shockwave Grenade, but on a giant hammer!

You can place Oathbound Chests on your islands to give players a random chance to find a Shockwave Hammer.


Falcon Scout
The Falcon Scout is a mechanical flying companion that players can use to mark opponents, open containers, and carry loot to themselves or their teammates. There’s a price to pay for this powerful tool: while guiding the Falcon Scout, the player is vulnerable! It’s up to players to determine whether using it is worth the risk.

You can place Oathbound Chests on your islands to give players a random chance to find the Falcon Scout.


Guardian Shield
For players, a little cover goes a long way. The Guardian Shield deploys a protective barrier in front of the player that blocks incoming damage. This shield can provide players with mobile cover while they are on the move. It can also be thrown on the ground to create a stationary point of protection. The shield is temporary, and changes color to indicate how much time players have before it runs out.

You can place Oathbound Chests on your islands to give players a random chance to find a Guardian Shield.


Reboot Van Spawner
Place the Reboot Van Spawner on your islands to give your players the ability to revive eliminated team members. You can customize which teams or classes can use the Reboot Van, as well as trigger events when the Reboot Van is recharged or when a set of players has been rebooted.

Reboot Cards drop from eliminated players, but only if the eliminated player has teammates who could pick up the card when it is dropped. There also must be a Reboot Van that the eliminated player’s team or class can use. There is also a new option on the Settings tab of My Island, called Drop Reboot Card on Elimination that is set to If Can Be Rebooted by default. If you set the option to No, Reboot Cards don’t drop for any eliminated players.


Ball Spawner
We’ve been working to create a new upgraded Ball Spawner that uses our modern physics system, and we’re excited to have it released in v23.20! Along with improved physics behavior, we’ve added other options and adjustments as well. For example, you can adjust the size of the ball directly, you can customize the maximum distance range, and you can set the ball to trigger events when players touch it.

With the release of the new Ball Spawner, the previous Ball Spawner device is now known as Ball Spawner (Legacy). In the future, the legacy Ball Spawner device will be removed.

Note: Information on the new Ball Spawner has been added to the device document for the legacy version of the device. However, you can find a link to the new sections in a note at the top of the page.


New visual variants have been added to some of the animals spawned by the Wildlife Spawner. If you set the Type option to ChickenBoar, or Wolf, you’ll see the Biome Variant option displayed. By default, these animals have the Classic variant appearance, but you can also select Medieval or Snow.


Custom post-game settings are now available for all creator-made islands! Previously, this was only available when creating a Battle Royale Island in Creative. To customize the post-game experience on your island, go to My Island > UI and scroll down to the Post Game Type option. Here are some of the options available if you set the Post Game Type option to Custom:

  • Custom Post Game Show Scoreboard
  • Custom Post Game Victory Animation Style
  • Custom Post Game Victory Animation Color Set
  • Custom Post Game Victory Animation Text
  • Custom Post Game Victory Animation Sub Text
  • Custom Post Game Defeat Animation Style
  • Custom Post Game Defeat Animation Color Set
  • Custom Post Game Defeat Animation Text
  • Custom Post Game Defeat Animation Sub Text
  • Custom Post Game Tie Animation Style
  • Custom Post Game Tie Animation Color Set
  • Custom Post Game Tie Animation Text
  • Custom Post Game Tie Animation Sub Text

For more information on post-game options, see Changing My Island UI Settings. You can also customize the post-game UI using the End Game device instead of the My Island settings.



  • A new Galleries section is now live on our official documentation site!


  • Mutator Zone: Added the Allow Jumping option so creators can turn player jumping on or off.
  • Added the Oathbound Chest to the Chest & Ammo Gallery device.


HUD Message Device (Opt-In Upgraded Devices Only): For Islands that have converted to upgraded devices, the HUD Message Device has been refactored and has several new options:

  • Placement: A new Custom option has been added. This exposes an Anchor point for the message, and the position is offset from this anchor. When using Custom offsets, remember that other devices might have different screen sizes, so use the appropriate anchor point.
  • Layer (0-4): You can now have multiple HUD Messages on screen at once! Each Layer can display a HUD Message and has its own message queue.
  • Priority: This defines how important the message is. Messages are queued in order of Priority, with Priority 0 being the most important.
  • Allow Multiples in Queue: Determines whether you can have multiple messages from the same device queued up to display at once. Previously the default behavior was to always allow this.
  • Queue Timeout: If a message has been queued to show, this determines how long it waits before removing itself from the queue. This is useful for messages that are only relevant close to the time they should display.
  • Queue Message for Join in Progress Players: This allows messages to be displayed for players who join the game after the message was sent.
  • Re-Evaluate Messages on Show: Messages are only displayed to players they’re valid for when they’re requested. If a player changes teams after messages have been queued to display, this option will check if any messages are now invalid, and the device won’t display them. For example, if there’s a message to display to Team 1, and a player swaps from Team 1 to another team, this option will prevent messages directed at Team 1 from displaying to that player.



  • Fixed an issue where players could not place the Skydome device.
  • Fixed an issue where props with the Prop Mover device attached stopped moving after colliding with another prop. 
  • Fixed an issue where join-in-progress players did not see the Water device filling up.
  • Fixed an issue where using multiple props with the Prop Manipulator device caused the game to disconnect.
  • Fixed an issue where players became stuck when they crouched and fell into the volume of the Water device.
  • Fixed an issue where items appeared on top of the Item Spawner device and caused the item limit to be reached as a result.
  • Fixed an issue where spawned guards did not attack players that were within range if the Team option was set to Wildlife & Creatures.
  • Fixed an issue where the Grappler Glider failed to hit the aimed target.
  • Fixed an issue where items registered with the Capture Area device still floated over the device even after they were deleted from it. 
  • Fixed an issue where the Tank acceleration audio was muted during its movement.


  • Fixed an issue where players could place more devices than allowed by the original limit after they converted their island to upgraded devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the asset removed by the Trick Tile did not reset after a match ended.


  • Fixed an issue where the Quickbar did not display icons from copied assets.


  • Fixed an issue where grass was spawning on asphalt materials on Tilted Towers POI island.
  • Fixed an issue on the Tilted Towers POI island where the pavement overlapped the sidewalk on the northwestern side of Tilted Towers POI Island.
  • Fixed an issue where some assets from the Ring Gallery A were missing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Battle Bus in a Battle Royale Island was silent.
  • Fixed an issue where the Target Bots in the Battle Royale Island were creating long load times during the start and end of matches. 


  • Fixed an issue where players experienced rubber-banding in 100-player matchmaking games.
  • Fixed an issue where public players could join private Battle Royale Island games.
  • Fixed an issue where the scoreboard was inaccurate when playing with Target Bots in the Battle Royale Island.

The Winterfest Venture Season is soon coming to an end, but that means the Mild Meadows Venture Season is soon beginning! Before the Mild Meadows Venture Season starts on Wednesday, January 25, 2023, at 7 PM ET, make sure you complete the remainder of your Winterfest quests. 

Also in v23.20, players can now hurdle! You’ll automatically hurdle over or onto obstacles when sprinting into them. Additionally, the new Autumn Foothills biome opens up and brings the newest Hero in Save the World, the Autumn Queen! 


Fortnite Autumn Queen Png

The husk harvest is at hand! – Autumn Queen

A new Hero and questline arrive in Save the World! Meet the Autumn Queen, a new Soldier Hero. Autumn Queen has the new Standard Perk Force of Nature, which allows her to activate an additional Shockwave from your tamed pet when used. The Perk functions with Boars, Raptors, and Wolves, and pets inherit the bonuses of all Shockwave Perks that are also active on the ability. 

Combine the Force of Nature Perk with Gia’s Perk, Vital Bond, which provides healing for both yourself and your tamed wildlife!f

To unlock Autumn Queen, complete the new Autumn Foothills Hero questline! The Autumn Queen is a permanent addition and can be unlocked after your first Storm Shield Defense in Plankerton!


Fortnite Mild Meadowns Venture Png

The Mild Meadows Venture Season starts January 25 at 7 PM ET.

Here in the Mild Meadows, Commanders get to enjoy the benefits of the Escalation Modifier. The Escalation Modifier takes your Commanders’ elimination streaks climb, your team will receive a small boost to bonus damage (capping out at a 100% increase). In addition, reaching elimination streaks will trigger an Elemental Burst at all Commanders’ locations, dealing damage and unleashing additional effects!


30 Eliminations: Nature Burst – Mother Nature is on your side! This burst damages and stuns surrounding enemies for 3 seconds.

60 Eliminations: Fire Burst – Is it getting hot in here or is that just your elimination streak? This burst will deal damage and apply a blistering debuff which causes damage every second.

90 Eliminations: Dance Party – Make em’ dance! This burst deals damage, refills Commander’s energy, and last but certainly not least, causes the Husks to dance for 7 seconds.

120 Eliminations: Ice Burst – After heating them up with some fire and dancing, it’s time to cool them down! This burst will deal damage and freeze nearby targets for 5 seconds.

150 Eliminations: Energy Burst – And now it’s time to unleash the power! This burst will damage and cause nearby enemies to take increased damage for 10 seconds.

Keep in mind: if you lose your streak, your Escalation bonuses will reset. So keep it moving and take out as many Husks as you can as fast as you can!


Major Oswald is sharpening up the security of Homebase — by putting Commanders and their base through the ultimate test. In Wargames, head to your Storm Shield bases and test your defenses against unique and challenging simulations! Complete both of the Daily Quests and Weekly Challenges to earn a fair share of Event Tickets, Gold, Banners, Evolution Materials, and PERK rewards.

Fortnite Wargames Png


A crashed meteorite has shaken Homebase to its core! While Ray investigates, the self-proclaimed other OTHER Bot, Lok, is in charge! Help Lok lead the crew in the Blockbuster questline.. The rewards for this questlines are the Mythic Soldier Carbide (with his Standard Perk Zip and Zap that applies affliction dealing 13 base energy damage per second for three seconds) and the Mythic Ninja Cloaked Star (whose Standard Perk Fan of Stars allows you to throw all your Throwing Stars together in an arc and adds one additional star).


Say hello to the Lunar Llama. This little critter can somehow package the might of the Dragon Weapons as well as the Lunar New Year Heroes. Pick it up for Event Tickets in the Llama Shop!

Fortnite Lunar Llama Png


A number of important bug fixes were included in the v23.20 game update, including:

  • Fixed an issue that caused Bronze rewards to not be granted upon a “Destroy the Encampments” win.

The official patch notes aren’t out just yet, though that should change soon. In the meantime, go check out the datamined content from the PC download. Note that datamining takes time, and as such, the full list of mined content will be added in the article. Once we’re done updating, we’ll make a note of it and add “update” in the headline.

Fortnite January 18 Datamine:

Same as always, we’ll be updating this article with the official list of changes, and datamined content throughout the day, so stay tuned.

Update: Full patch notes have been added!

Source: Epic Games

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