A Christmas Carol: Every Movie Adaptation Ranked, Worst To Best

A Christmas Carol is a holiday classic that has been adapted countless times since the advent of film. Charles Dickens wrote and published the novella A Christmas Carol in December of 1843, just in time for Christmas, and the work instantly became a Christmas mainstay. In the years since, the story has become synonymous with the season of goodwill, inspiring multiple cinematic adaptations over the years. However, despite its universality and staying power, some interpretations have been more successful than others.

Arguably Dickens’ most popular work, A Christmas Carol tells the story of Ebenezer Scrooge, a miserly old businessman who is unkind to everyone he meets and thinks Christmas is a waste of time and money. On Christmas Eve, he is visited by three ghosts who show him shadows of Christmases past, present, and yet to come, allowing him to see how his miserly ways have led him to have a miserable, lonely life. The story is a cautionary tale about greed and selfishness and challenges the reader to treat everyone with charity and kindness during the Christmas season. This narrative has resonated with audiences throughout the nearly two centuries since its publication and has been adapted many times for stage and screen. The idea of a greedy or mean person, isolating themselves from society due to their own jaded perspective on said society and then being rehabilitated by the warmth and generosity of the Christmas spirit has become a popular theme, largely thanks to the Dickens classic. The basic idea has even served as inspiration for works such as Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas, as well as more direct cinematic adaptations.

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In early Hollywood, quite a few shorts were made before a feature-length version of the story finally graced the silver screen. Of the many animated short versions, there was Mister Magoo adaptation that aired on NBC in 1962, and Scrooge McDuck, who was named after the Dickens character, starred in Mickey’s Christmas Carol, which was released alongside a re-issue of The Rescuers in 1983. Feature-length versions of the story have become a holiday staple, with a new one being produced every few years or so. As recently as 2019, FX and the BBC produced a mini-series adaptation, starring Guy Pearce as Ebenezer Scrooge. From the classics like the 1984 version starring George C Scott to Michael Caine giving a masterful performance opposite Kermit the Frog, here are all of the US-released feature-length versions of A Christmas Carol, ranked from worst to best.

While most versions of Scrooge are old men, typically in Victorian London, Cicely Tyson presented a version of the character for Hallmark in 1997. As Ebenita Scrooge, Tyson portrayed a grumpy, rich older woman in the 90s who runs a savings and loan firm. It’s an updated version of the story, but falls into the trap that other 90s television films do of leaning into the 90s tropes a little too hard. Marley’s ghost, for instance, appears to Ms. Scrooge on her computer screen while she’s looking over ledgers.

While it’s a cute retelling of the story, and the gender-swap concept is definitely one worth exploring, it’s also not a great movie. It does escape the Hallmark movie tropes that have become a meme in recent years, but it is still a Hallmark movie, and therefore lacks the depth that most versions of A Christmas Carol have. Cicely Tyson, however, is an icon and even though the material isn’t the best, she gives a wonderful performance as Ebenita Scrooge. She especially shines when Scrooge is experiencing the trips through the Christmases of her life via the three spirits.

Starring Frasier‘s Kelsey Grammer, the 2004 adaptation of A Christmas Carol aired on NBC and was also produced by Hallmark. This production was an adaptation of the 1994 stage musical but was somewhat of a lackluster version of the show. Kelsey Grammer gives a good performance as Scrooge but somehow feels a little miscast. It’s hard to believe him as a mean old miser, but maybe his inherent charm is what makes it more believable that his Scrooge can change.

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This version isn’t necessarily bad as much as it isn’t always sure that it wants to be a musical, even though it is. The musical performances don’t seem to measure up, especially compared to earlier musical versions of the story, which is a shame considering musical theatre icons like Jason Alexander and Jesse L. Martin make up the cast. Though it aired on NBC, it is still ultimately a Hallmark Christmas movie, for better or for worse.

In 2019, the BBC and FX collaborated on a mini-series version of A Christmas Carol, which starred Guy Pearce as a younger version of the miserly Scrooge. This version took a darker look at the story and explored the reasons that Scrooge became so cold and uncaring. Pearce’s Scrooge experienced trauma and abuse in his childhood which, along with his analytical mind, shaped him into a cynical person who considered himself logical rather than cold. This version also leans into the ghost story aspect of A Christmas Carol in ways that most versions usually don’t. It’s a darker retelling of the classic, which also probably made it a polarizing version.

While it’s certainly a unique take on the classic story, the grittiness did sometimes feel a little misplaced. It’s less a warm Christmas fable and more a fantasy series, emphasizing the supernatural aspect of the ghosts. Pearce’s take on the character, however, gave Scrooge more depth of character, changing him from simply a mean old man obsessed with money to a smart man who had come to believe that logic outweighed love and human relationships, causing him to focus on the security that money brings.

Scrooged is a 1988 comedic adaptation of A Christmas Carol starring Bill Murray as Frank Cross, an unkind television executive who is producing an extravagant live TV adaptation of the Dickens classic. In this version, Cross has his own ghostly visitations while his network is filming their production, who show him the ways in which his cruelty towards the people in his life is leading to his downfall. Set in the 80s, Scrooged presents an updated version of the familiar Dickens story, changing the events that Scrooge experienced to fit Cross’ 20th-century life. This version splits the Bob Cratchit character between Eliot Loudermilk (Bobcat Goldthwait), an employee who Cross has fired for disagreeing with him, and Grace Cooley (Alfre Woodard), Cross’ assistant who has a young son who doesn’t speak since witnessing his father’s death.

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This version relies heavily on the comedic stylings of Bill Murray, who plays up the slapstick and really leans into being a jerk for laughs. While it isn’t a perfect film, Murray brings enough charm to the curmudgeonly Cross that he becomes easy to root for. Cross is also a much younger character than Scrooge, and therefore feels much less set in his ways. Maybe that’s why his transformation doesn’t feel as profound as Scrooge’s does. The comedy of this film does sometimes take away from the heart of the story, but it isn’t trying to be as heavy as some versions of A Christmas Carol can be. It’s a funny Dickens-themed romp, and it’s a perfect time capsule of a 1980s film.

Disney released an animated version of A Christmas Carol in 2009, finally exploring the classic version of the story after previously making a short version starring their beloved characters Mickey Mouse and Scrooge McDuck. Jim Carrey took on the role of Ebenezer Scrooge, both performing the motion-capture and the voice for the character. While Carrey is known for his sillier performances, usually taking any opportunity to ham things up for the cameras, he took on the role of Scrooge in earnest, using his signature physicality to find the unique way that Scrooge carries himself. Halfway between animation and live-action, director Robert Zemeckis had the actors actually perform every scene in the film, which allowed for the characters to be more dynamic than is typical of animation.

This version of the story feels a lot more adventurous than other A Christmas Carol adaptations. Disney takes Scrooge on a wild ride through his past, present, and future, allowing Jim Carrey to shine. The motion-capture animation has aged a bit since 2009 and looks a little jarring, however. The animation almost falls into the uncanny valley, mapping the actors’ faces directly onto the characters. Still, this version is a fun adventure and has all of the heart that is to be expected from a Disney movie. It’s probably the best animated version of A Christmas Carol, not starring a mouse and a duck.

Starring Patrick Stewart, best known for his roles as Star Trek‘s Captain Picard and X-Men‘s Professor X, this adaptation of A Christmas Carol aired on TNT in 1999. It was produced after Stewart performed a one-man show of A Christmas Carol on stage both in London and on Broadway. Stewart’s version of Scrooge is so well performed that he’s practically the definitive version of the character. The movie itself tells a faithful version of the story, which populates the world around Stewart’s powerhouse performance well.

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Compared to earlier versions, this adaptation aimed for stunning visuals, especially with ghosts who take Scrooge on his journey of redemption. Stewart brings a joyfulness to Scrooge once he makes his transformation that is heartwarming. Unlike earlier versions, Stewart’s version leans into the difference his journeys with the Christmas ghosts bring about, making his Scrooge one of the best versions of the character to ever grace the screen.

This musical adaptation of Scrooge became an instant classic and earned Albert Finney a Golden Globe for his portrayal of Ebenezer Scrooge. Releasing at a time when the big Hollywood musical was on its way out, Scrooge really leaned into the theatrics of the musical numbers, which really made the film stand out. For all of the verve of the musical numbers, Finney managed to keep the grumpiness of Scrooge intact. He shines as the old curmudgeon, and is heartbreaking when Scrooge is faced with the reality of where his life is heading, should he fail to change.

This adaptation also served as an inspiration for the 1994 stage version, as well as other musical adaptations of the book. The songs are catchy and fit the story well, and the sarcastic anthem “Thank You Very Much” has become a hit outside of the context of the musical, as well. As one of the few adaptations of this story to win a major award, it’s clear that this version is one of the best.

For an entire generation, this version of A Christmas Carol is probably the definitive version. Starring George C. Scott as Scrooge, it first aired on CBS in 1984. Scott’s Scrooge is a serious, joyless man who seems to be unkind almost as a reflex. This adaptation is very faithful to the novella and feels as if the character from the book has come to life. Scott’s version of Scrooge is endearing as he explores the Christmases of his life and the moments where his humanity begins to crack through his icy exterior help to build the idea that the character can change.

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The thing that works best about George C. Scott’s Scrooge is that even when he finally has his shift from cruelty to kindness, there is still a sense that he has to re-learn how to socialize kindly with other people. It’s a very realistic take on what Scrooge’s change might look like in real life. He is very much a man that wants to do better and not a man who is magically better. That choice makes this Scrooge a lot more relatable and is part of why this version is one of the best adaptations of the Dickens book. The heart of this movie doesn’t lose sight of the heart of the novella, which is that anyone, even the cruelest person, can learn to be better.

The 1938 adaptation of A Christmas Carol starred Reginald Owen and was one of the first feature-length productions of the story to hit the silver screen. Owen’s Scrooge has a cynical view of life, though he’s less of the cruel curmudgeon that the character is often portrayed as. He simply finds no time for frivolity, dedicating himself instead to a lifetime of earning money. This version of the story removes the romantic backstory in favor of placing emphasis on his relationship with his nephew, his sister’s only son.

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It succeeds, in many ways, in keeping the original story intact, even with the slight changes to Scrooge’s background. Owen plays Scrooge with heart, which endears him to the audience even when he’s at his meanest. When Scrooge finally has his change of heart, in the end, he reconciles with his nephew Fred, making him the new partner at Scrooge’s firm. This version has all the heart and warmth of an old Hollywood Christmas classic, and is joyful to watch from beginning to end.

It’s tough to beat classic versions of A Christmas Carol that have been beloved by generations. However, The Muppet Christmas Carol has solidified its place as a classic in its own right. Michael Caine stars as Ebenezer Scrooge, in a version populated by Jim Henson’s beloved muppet characters like Kermit and Miss Piggy. Released in 1992, this version is narrated by Gonzo the Great, who plays Charles Dickens. The Muppet Christmas Carol tells its own musical version of the tale, featuring original songs. Though it’s a movie aimed at children, Michael Caine gives a performance that would be great in any version of the story. He doesn’t match the zaniness of the Muppets around him, instead fully committing to the reality of Scrooge’s situation, which really serves the movie overall.

The reason this version takes the top spot is that not only does it not fail to capture the whimsy that Dickens intended in his original novella, but it also truly tells an emotional, heartfelt version of the story. While it can’t claim to be the definitive version of the story, it also is surprisingly faithful to the source material and created a version of the story that is accessible for all ages. It’s also a masterwork in puppetry, for which new techniques were created to allow the human performers to be in scenes with the muppets in a way that hid the puppeteers but looked as though the muppets were walking the same streets. A lot of skill and talent went into making this version of A Christmas Carol, and it paid off in a film that looks and feels as good as it did in 1992.

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