All Real Estate Agents Federation of Turkey (TEMFED) Vice President Ayhan Taflan stated that citizens should be careful while looking for housing on real estate portals and said that malicious people can be defrauded with fake photos and under the pretext of deposit.
Buying anything, whether it’s a house or a car, has become a chore. Even if you can buy something by going through this difficult process, you may be exposed to fraud afterwards. Turkey All Real Estate Agents Federation (TEMFED) Deputy Chairman Ayhan Taflan said that while looking for a house, citizens with deposit and fake photo He warned that they could be scammed.
Taflan stated that there is a movement in the search for housing due to the opening of schools and universities, as well as the appointment period and weddings. of labor thieves Saying that it also victimizes the consumer, “In some real estate portals, social media and social media, they take a picture of a house, view it and share it there, but the picture does not match the reality.” said.
“Do not enter the account book business without finding a contact person”
Drawing attention to the deposit fraud, Taflan gave an example; “To give an example, real estate is in Trabzon, but when the consumer tries to buy or rent that house in Istanbul, he evaluates it by looking at the pictures on social media. There is an interlocutor on the other side for that moment. The person he talked to on the phone demands money under the name of a certain amount of deposit to his account number. The citizen sends it to the person he believes on the phone. After a while, the number he called cannot be reached. under the name of the money he invested is wasted and there is no house” he spoke
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Recommending that one should not enter the bookkeeping business without finding a contact person and finalizing the residence, Taflan said, “People who want to rent or buy a house in another city should definitely go to the place where the house is located and ask them to see and examine it. There are many consumers who suffer from this issue. When we look at the real estate sector, there is an imaginary photo. Maybe it was really taken from a construction, a house, then it is used on social media. But everything turns out wrong. Do not trust such people and definitely have an interlocutor. Let the consumer be conscious, without making the house clear with remote telephone traffic, without contact never go to the bookkeeping business and transfer money to anyone.” he stated.
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