DeFi Protocol Hacked: More Than $3 Million Loss

Gamma Strategies, one of the decentralized finance protocols, suffered an attack that caused millions of dollars of damage.

Gamma Strategies, “We are investigating a possible security incident and acting accordingly. Please be patient while we take security measures to assess the situation.” made the statement.

According to analysis by security firm PeckShield, during the attack approximately $3.4 million worth of cryptocurrency was stolen.

Gamma Strategies allows users to you can withdraw your money however deposits have been stopped explained.

According to PeckShield’s post, the attacker was a mixer service provider. 1,000 Ethereum (ETH) worth approximately $2.2 million into Tornado Cash sent.

According to analysis by BlockSec founder Yajin Zhou, the attack was carried out by Gamma Strategies. due to the inconsistency between the accounting mechanisms used for withdrawal and deposit transactions. originated from.

Gamma Strategies team to return the money It was reported that he tried to contact the attacker via Etherscan and Arbiscan.

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