Cyber ​​Attack on AMD: Company Data Stolen

AMD announced that it is investigating a potential cyber attack. Allegedly, hackers stole many important company data, from future products to customer databases, and put them up for sale.

Cyber ​​attacks are one of the biggest problems of today. So much so that we often saw that many technology companies faced such attacks. Now is from AMD Such news came.

The giant computer hardware manufacturer announced that it may have been subjected to a cyber attack. The potential attack was first reported by BleepingComputer and later confirmed by AMD. “The attack”IntelBrokerIt was stated that it was done by a hacker or hacker group named “.

It is said that company data was stolen and tried to be sold

According to the information received, hackers, In the attack, they stole company data and put it up for sale.. AMD used the following statements in its statement: “We are aware of a cybercriminal organization that claims to have stolen data from AMD. “We are investigating the claim with law enforcement and a third-party partner and trying to understand how important the data is.”

AMD did not make an official statement about what the stolen data contained and how large it was. But IntelBroker important information such as future products, employee data and customer database stated that it contains.


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This is all the developments on the subject. We will see over time whether the data was really stolen or not, and if so, what action AMD will take in this regard. It should be noted that the giant company was subjected to another attack a few years ago, in which 450 GB of data was stolen.

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