CryptoRank Chose 15 Coins! –

Cryptocurrency analysis firm CryptoRank shared its list of the top 15 Play to Earn Coins (P2E) in terms of active users on October 10. First on the list is Gameta, which provides a simple and rewarding way to enter the world of Web 3. We took a look at the list of analytics platform for our readers.

Best Play to Earn Coins

Crypto analytics platform CryptoRank has compiled a list for Play to Earn Coins in the market in terms of the number of active users. Gameta occupies the first place of CryptoRank’s list with 1.83 million active users. Its closest rival, Alien Worlds, has 601 thousand active users. Benji Bananas follows with 431 thousand. According to the data, Gameta is quite ahead of its competitors.

The rest of the list includes: Splinterlands, Solitaire Blitz, Axie Infinity, Trickshot Blitz, Upland, Farmers World, ARC8 By Gamee, ERA7: Game of Truth, Tiny World, Sunflowers Lands, Playmining and MOBOX.

On which Blockchains are Play to Earn Coins built more? CryptoRank also provides the answer to this question. Here is something surprising. Because Ethereum, the king of blockchains, has lost the lead. Because, BNB Chain is in the first place with 33.4%. Blockchain Ethereum, the leader in terms of market capitalization, is in second place with 28.4%. It is followed by Ethereum Layer-2 solution Polygon with 10.1%.

What you need to know about Gameta

cryptocoin.comAs the adoption of Blockchain technology increases, there is an increase in awareness of the Web 3.0 ecosystem. Many schools feel that Web 3 will revolutionize the way many industries run their operations. However, despite the growing interest in Web 3, this niche is still very new and mainly for the elite.

To fill this gap, Gameta offers a simple, rewarding and at the same time one of the best ways to enter the world of Web 3. The platform focuses on increasing user engagement. In addition, the platform has a unique product model consisting of four components. These components help facilitate a smooth transition to Web 3 for users. Gameta is gearing up to drive mass adoption of the web 3 ecosystem. In other words, the interest of the platform is to ensure that interested people have simplified and seamless access to Web 3.

Alien Worlds should not be forgotten among Play to Earn Coins

Metaverse natives all flock to one Coke and one in particular: Alien Worlds. The P2E project is a blockchain phenomenon that is getting more and more popular day by day. So what is Alien Worlds and why are people talking about it? Well, it has attracted over 700,000 players since its inception. It has also made it the fastest growing game on Ethereum, Wax and BNB Chain. Given these, it’s clear that the sci-fi entry has well and truly hit for the stars. It has a growing player base and a blooming platform for opening. With these, it creates a new future and sweeps the market by itself.

An interesting project in the top three: Benji Bananas

Benji Bananas debuted as a mobile game in 2013. It was a simple, addictive rope swing adventure that users could download to their phones and play for fun. The company behind the game is Animoca Brands. In March 2022, the company announced the introduction of a P2E mechanic that will take Benji Bananas into the Web3 world.

The developers built it on the Ethereum Blockchain and Polygon. It is possible for users to navigate through the trees and collect rewards. But now there is the possibility to exchange these rewards for real world money. It’s still free to download and play. Meanwhile, users also have the opportunity to enjoy the game without ever getting into the P2E element. But Animoca Brands has also made it possible for players who want to play for crypto to do so, with a custom NFT. The cryptocurrency that players will earn is the PRIMATE token.

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