Cryptocurrency Statement from President Erdogan!

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan said that they will implement the Digital Turkish Lira project as part of the AKP election manifesto for the 2023 elections. The explanations that are closely related to the crypto money market are as follows…

New generation Digital Turkish Lira project promised

As the May 14 election date approaches, political parties continue to work with new projects and campaigns. AKP, which held a Parliamentary Candidate Promotion Meeting during the day, included explanations about the digital lira in its election manifesto.

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan talked about a project he plans to carry out during the election campaign. This project is called Digital Turkish Lira and is going through important stages such as design and cryptological infrastructure tests…

Erdoğan stated that they are working hard for the implementation of the Digital Turkish Lira and that they think they will create a revolution in Turkey’s financial system thanks to this project. With this project, the Turkish Lira will become stronger and the country’s economic future will be even brighter.

The new generation digital Turkish Lira will be used securely and will allow users to perform their financial transactions more easily and quickly. In addition, it is thought that this project will strengthen Turkey’s position in the field of digitalization.

President Erdoğan: We will implement the Digital TL

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan made the following statements about the Digital Turkish Lira in his statements at the meeting:

With the conceptual design and cryptological infrastructure we have developed, we will implement the new generation digital Turkish Lira project, which we started the testing process for.

Türkiye crypto money studies: What is the Digital Turkish Lira Project?

The Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey, working with advanced technology companies within the scope of the Digital Turkish Lira R&D project, created the “Digital Turkish Lira Cooperation Platform”. Thanks to this platform, a “Digital Turkish Lira Network” will be created for the Digital Turkish Lira.

The pilot implementation studies, which will be carried out in the first phase, were completed in 2022. Within the framework of these efforts, a prototype “Digital Turkish Lira Network” was established and narrow-scope and closed-circuit pilot tests started with technology stakeholders. cryptocoin.comAs you follow, the first transaction was made in December of last year.

After the first phase tests are completed, further phases will be conducted to conduct more widespread and well-attended pilot tests. At this stage, it is also planned to carry out tests that may require diversity in issues such as Blockchain technology, the use of distributed structures in payment systems, integration with instant payment systems.

Among these developments, the fact that there are 13 thousand different cryptocurrencies today draws attention. Turkey’s initiatives in this area can be an important step for the country’s leadership in financial technologies and digitalization.

Interest in crypto money projects grows in Turkey

In 2017, the cryptocurrency transaction volume in Turkey was around 22 billion TL. However, in the following years, this figure increased rapidly and reached 218 billion TL in 2021. After the bear market throughout 2022, interest in cryptocurrencies is growing as Bitcoin hits $30,000 again in the new year.

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