Cryptocurrency Exchange Coinbase Introduced New Feature to Its Users!

based in America cryptocurrency stock market coinbase to attract millions of new crypto users in the coming years OP Stack of Optimism which is a layer 2 network built using base started.

Cryptocurrency Exchange Coinbase Launches Layer 2 Blockchain Base To Serve Ethereum, Solana, And More

The company said it has joined Optimism as a core developer on the open-source OP Stack, a developer toolkit for Coinbase’s Optimism network.

However, Base Ethereum will not be limited to layer 2 networks such as Optimism and wither It will also provide easy and secure access to other blockchain ecosystems such as

Will Robinson, vice president of engineering at Coinbase, announced the testnet launch of Base, an Ethereum layer 2 (L2) network that offers “a secure, low-cost, developer-friendly way for anyone, anywhere, to build decentralized applications or “dapps” on the chain. We are excited to announce it.”

“We are developing Base within Coinbase, drawing on our past ten years of experience building crypto products, and plan to progressively decentralize the chain over time,” Robinson added.

Coinbase has no plans to issue a new network token.

Testnets are test environments that mimic real-world blockchain usage. Tier 2 refers to discrete blockchains built on top of tier 1s or underlying blockchains that reduce bottlenecks with scaling and data and are often much faster and cheaper.

Meanwhile, Coinbase also announced the Base Ecosystem Fund, which will invest in and support early-stage projects built on Base that meet predetermined investment criteria.

*Not investment advice.

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