Cryptocurrency and Blockchain Statement from President Erdogan! –

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan gave explanations about crypto money and Blockchain technology at the “Blokzincir Istanbul” event today.

Cryptocurrency statement from President Erdogan

Speaking at the “Blockchain Istanbul” event organized by the AKP Information and Communication Technologies Presidency in Istanbul, President Erdoğan said that Turkey wants to have an active role in the fields of crypto money and Blockchain:

Progress has also been made in the field of cryptocurrencies. The decentralized possibilities of this technology, which has made great progress in the last 10 years, have the potential to radically change the current commercial system. Alternative business methods, which are newly developed in this field and which our ears are not accustomed to, began to enter our lives gradually. With the securing of digital contents over the blockchain, a new phase has been entered in the process. ‘Digital assets are the fuel of technology, Blockchain is the vehicle’. The main point that makes the wide range of activities of this technology, from food supply to banks, from logistics to works of art, attractive is its fast, efficient, secure and low-cost transaction capability. It is clear that we cannot ignore such a potential while preparing for the Turkish century. We want to be the country that uses this tool rather than putting fuel into the digital asset store. Instead of trying to take place in virtual universes opened by others, we seek to establish our own universe. Our target in this area is not the consumer, but the designer, producer and guide; is to reach the position of being followed, not a follower.

The President also stated that the CBRT continues its work in the field of crypto money. He shared that other ministries are conducting research in the field of Blockchain technology.

A study on crypto money is being carried out within our central bank. Our other ministries also follow this technology closely in their own areas of responsibility. We also closely monitor the moves of our private sector in the field of Blockchain. We will continue to implement new projects in this area. Our aim with this event is to ensure that all administrative, technical and strategic aspects of Blockchain technology are discussed in a way that sheds light on our internal sectors.

Erdogan puts technology at the forefront over ‘gambling’

In the last part of his statements, Erdoğan urged Turkish youth to take part in studies related to Blockchain technology instead of cryptocurrencies:

Instead of turning to our young people to crypto money gambling that has no basis; I advise them to take part in the development of innovative technologies such as blockchain and turn to larger and more fertile channels.

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