Cryptocurrency and Blockchain statement from President Erdogan!

President Erdogan today ‘Blockchain Istanbul’ joined the program. In the program, he especially focused on the topic of crypto money and made statements about crypto money. In his statement, Turkey’s blockchain stated that it will be one of the countries that use it. However, he warned young people about cryptocurrencies. Here are the details!

Turkey will be one of the countries using blockchain

President Recep Tayyip Erdogan today Istanbul University held at the Cemil Bilsel Conference Hall. ‘Blockchain Istanbul’ joined the program. Erdogan made statements on many issues in the program.

The most striking part of the speech was the statement he made about blockchain. Erdogan, the developments in the field of crypto money blockchain He said he made it popular. Also, this field to the business world He added that he had begun to enter. He also said that Turkey cannot ignore this development and wants to be among the countries that use this tool.

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“While we were making preparations for the Turkish Century, it was clear that we could not ignore such a potential. We want to be the country that uses this vehicle rather than staying in the position of putting fuel. Instead of living in virtual universes opened by others, we seek to establish our own universe.”

The President said that they also closely follow the blockchain activities in the private sphere. He stated that they will carry out many projects that will contribute to our country in this field in the coming periods. The President also made a statement to the youth regarding this area. Instead of young people’s cryptocurrency gambling Developing blockchain technology recommended them to participate in their work.

Stating that there is a trace of digital transformation in every work brought to the country, the president underlined that the internet infrastructure has also been strengthened. He also stated that important steps regarding fiber infrastructure are on the way. Except this defense industry and Togg He also made a lot of statements about it.

So, what do you think about this subject? Do not forget to share your views with us in the comments section!

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