Crypto Giant Binance Adds Support To Little-Known Metaverse Coin, Price Explodes!

A metaverse cryptocurrency promoting wellness and wellness has exploded onto the price charts and hit key milestones just days after gaining support from global cryptocurrency exchange Binance.

Green Metaverse Token (GMT), STEPN It is one of the two native assets of the move-to-earn application. GMTwhile the platform’s governance token, Green Satoshi Token (GST) is the game token.

According to Binance; users of the platform can earn tokens by purchasing sneaker non-fungible tokens (NFTs) from the STEPN app and participating in real-life exercise activities tracked by their phone’s built-in GPS.


The platform also includes features like printing custom-made NFT sneakers for sale and converting GST to US Dollar Coin (USDC).

In addition to governance, GMT’s roles include earning staking rewards and gaining access to in-app features through burning.

The app also has a decentralized wallet that can be used for both iPhone and Android devices.

Large investment firms such as Sequoia, Alameda Research and Solana Capital are among the supporters of the project.

Binance first announced that it added GMT to its crypto asset list on Binance Launchpad, when the altcoin was at $0.01 last Tuesday.

STEPN was then announced to be officially traded on the Binance exchange, after which the cryptocurrency witnessed a series of upward price spikes. On Sunday, the altcoin reached a mind-blowing level in its rise, rising 4300 percent to $ 0.44.

GMT corrected after the continued massive rally and fell 5% to $0.33 in the last 24 hours.

You can check the price movements here.

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