Criticizes This Altcoin Strongly! –

There is a passive-aggressive stance between the XRP and Ethereum community, especially as Ripple gets into trouble with regulators over allegations that its XRP is a security. The XRP community, and sometimes its founders, claimed that Ethereum was a security. Recently, the founders of the projects have also participated in this discussion. The most recent comments were made by Ethereum inventor Vitalik Buterin. Here are the details…

Vitalik Buterin says “central” for XRP

Ripple CTO David Schwartz criticized Ethereum co-founder Vitalik Buterin for not knowing or pretending not to know the difference between Ripple and XRP. Schwartz tweeted yesterday. “All this time has passed and he [Buterin] he still doesn’t understand or pretend not to understand that Ripple is a company and XRP is a crypto asset. He thinks he can say something to XRP!” said.

It came in response to the Ethereum co-founder’s comments on the latest episode of the Bankless podcast. Speaking to the hosts, Buterin stated that XRP is “fully centralized.” However, he still claimed that he was “treated like regular crypto to highlight grudges against the community.” According to Buterin, he did not apologize for claiming that XRP, Bitcoin and Ethereum are under Chinese control. Buterin used the following statements:

…The only way you can call yourself part of the crypto space is to somehow like to use cryptography and make some changes to the data structure. These are qualities by which you can literally describe yourself as decentralized. You don’t even need decentralization… Like XRP, you know, projects that are still fully decentralized don’t seem to realize that… and you know, they still haven’t apologized for writing documents to the US government saying they should be preferred. They argued that Bitcoin and Ethereum are under Chinese control.

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Ethereum claims to be in control of China

Ripple’s lawyers wrote the claim that BTC and ETH are under Chinese control as part of their defense in the US Securities and Exchange Commission’s lawsuit against them. Schwartz said that when Buterin brought up this topic, their aim was to highlight the risks of miner concentration in China. As we reported, John Deaton explained in August that the views of the Ethereum co-founder were insensitive to XRP holders, especially those who knew nothing about Ripple before the SEC lawsuit.

It is worth noting that the XRP community is no stranger to such narratives and has often had to explain the difference between Ripple, the company, and XRP Ledger, a decentralized network used by institutions and individual investors. As highlighted by Deaton in November, XRP remains widely misunderstood despite being one of the oldest cryptocurrencies.

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Cardano founder also criticized XRP

Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson also recently stated that XRP does not provide any technical value. Hoskinson said the XRP community was “toxic and junk.” He also stated that he would no longer refrain from commenting on XRP. Hoskinson said this while responding to comments made by the official account of the 3T Warrior Academy Research Team. The executive voiced criticism of Hoskinson’s decision to stop commenting on everything related to XRP. He used the following expressions:

It’s like saying he’ll never go to a conference where Bitcoin developers were also invited because some owners insulted him on Twitter.

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In response, Hoskinson stated that he plans to cut everything related to XRP from his conversations and move on from it. He stated that it is pointless to invite toxicity into one’s life. According to him, XRP does not provide any technical value.

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