Critical warning from NASA: At the highest level in history!

NASA and according to independent analysis by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), “The average temperature of the world in 2021is breaking records day by day. According to scientists at the Goddard Institute for Space Studies (GISS), alarm bells are ringing.

Gavin Schmidt, director of NASA’s leading climate modeling and change research center (GISS), said Earth is giving warning signals, drawing attention to both NOAA’s and NASA’s analyzes. Here are the details…

NASA says the number of astronauts is not enough

NASA says it has the smallest crew in the last 50 years, noting that the number of astronauts is not enough.

2021 was the sixth hottest year in Earth’s history

Collectively, the past eight years have been the warmest since modern record keeping began in 1880. These annual temperature data form part of the global temperature record that tells scientists the planet is warming. According to NASA’s temperature record, the Earth in 2021 will be roughly around the late 19th century average, which was the beginning of the industrial revolution. 1.1 degrees Celsius it was hotter.

NASA Administrator Bill Nelson used the following statements about high temperatures:

“Eight of the 10 warmest years on our planet have occurred in the past decade, and this underlines the need for bold action to protect the future of our country and all of humanity. NASA’s scientific research into how the Earth is changing and warming will guide communities around the world to help humanity mitigate the devastating effects of climate.”

This warming trend of the Earth carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases resulting from human activities that increase emissions. Our planet has recently begun to feel the effects of global warming: Arctic sea ice has broken, sea levels have risen, wildfires have become more severe, and animal migration patterns have even changed.

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