Could Depression Also Affect Our Memory, According to Science?

Depression, one of the biggest problems of our age, undoubtedly has the power to turn the entire life of the person who suffers from it upside down. What about our memory? According to a study, there seems to be no escape from the grip of depression.

We all witness how deep depression can leave its mark on a person’s life. But the situation it is not limited to this looks like.

The impact of depression, which profoundly affects our quality of life, is much more complex than expected. Not only our mood but especially our memory for details It may also have an impact on.

Brigham Young University conducted a study to determine whether depression has an effect on memory.

In this research conducted under the leadership of Professor Brock Kirwan, participants were given a memory test implemented.

In this test, participants were shown various objects on the computer screen and were then asked to whether they have seen it before They were asked to specify.

In this test conducted on 83 participants, those with higher levels of depression were generally able to distinguish objects they had seen before, but They cannot distinguish new objects that look similar It was concluded.

So why couldn’t people with depression distinguish similar objects?

Professor Kirwan said this could not be described as memory loss, only people with depression They missed the details states.

In this case, people with depression hippocampus He states that it may be related to the region where new neurons called neurons are produced and discrimination abilities develop.

In other words, the hippocampus of depressed people is stronger than that of non-depressed people. smaller suggests that it may play a critical role in memory processing.

Researchers reminded that this study was not conducted on people with severe depression and therefore had some limitations, and that there were no findings related to the memories of people with depression. doing more research emphasizes the need.

In summary, this research shows that our mental health is important in addition to our quality of life. It may also have an effect on our memory. draws attention.

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