Could Artificial Intelligence Be Trained With Your Personal Photos?

Artificial intelligence software with different functions such as Midjourney, DALL-E, ChatGPT have made a great impression recently. Have you ever witnessed how these rapidly evolving software are trained? Most likely, you may have contributed to this process even if you did not witness it.

Artificial intelligence, which is frequently on the agenda with its surprising achievements and firsts and even turned into a hobby for some, is also today’s one of the most contentious topics of discussion.

well, this What is the reason for the sudden rise? Are there any fundamental factors driving this rise? In this article, we will take a short but comprehensive dive into the artificial intelligence universe with you.

First of all, let’s clarify what artificial intelligence is and what it is not.

Artificial intelligence, as the name suggests human-made intelligence A very unique name we gave.

To human intelligence as equivalent as possible Artificial intelligence, which is the result of efforts to develop an autonomous mind, is a product of the Industrial Revolution like almost everything else. In this period, when societies first started to industrialize and thus become mechanized, there was a need to mechanize production.

This variant of mechanization, which produces without the need for human intervention, began to be called “automation” or “automation” over time. These automated systems get their own will We call the software that provides artificial intelligence.

Get past that, how is this thing called artificial intelligence trained?

Artificial intelligence is training someone

Today, artificial intelligence is used by some circles, especially working people and artists. for the purpose of dismissal interpreted as an initiative. Of course, this concern is not unjustified.

Artificial intelligence; nowadays it has managed to go so far as to be able to create audio, visual and text. So much so that some works of art created by artificial intelligence won competitions and some works of artists without their consent even witnessed their use.


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In short, artificial intelligence is trained by consuming content. As long as this machine learning is called. The more images, audio, and text we present to the software, the better it begins to recognize the content fed to it.

As you can imagine, we upload to these content, social media. our personal data And our photos including.


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How and for what purpose are our photographs used in the training of artificial intelligence?

All visual materials, including our photographs, are used to train artificial intelligence’s visual perception and therefore visual memory used to create. When we feed images, this artificial intelligence starts to learn about the people and objects in the images and therefore starts to recognize the next time it comes across.

In short, your photos have been created by artificial intelligence. human recognition ability could be used for development. In addition, when artificial intelligence is trained to recognize people and objects, it can create images that resemble them.


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“Were my photos used to train artificial intelligence, and if so, how can I find out?” If you think so, he has an answer too!

Have I Been Trained?

spawningDeveloped by a group known as “Have I Been Trained?The site named ” answers exactly this question in your mind. able to answer of the kind.


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Any image and text in billions of sites This site, which allows you to search, lists all similar content that artificial intelligence has accessed or has already accessed. Almost all of this content and data is available to people on social media. from their photos is formed. The rest are visuals created by artificial intelligence based on the visuals fed by the artificial intelligence. Therefore, if your personal data, photos or works do not appear among these contents and your social media accounts are confidential, we can say that artificial intelligence has probably not been trained with your data.

Of course, speaking of all this, it is worth noting that artificial intelligence is not trained without prejudice. In some artificial intelligences trained with the flawed and distressing materials of humans, racism and sexism such inconveniences were encountered. In another article, we discussed this issue in detail:


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So, what do you think about artificial intelligence? Is it an attempt that poses a threat to mankind, or are the reactions exaggerated?

Resources: INOVAX, TechTarget


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