Corona-News: Biontech boss for booster vaccination already after three months – Lauterbach on mandatory vaccination: imposing fines inevitable

Seven Germans have each other infected with the omicron variant of the coronavirus after an examination in South Africa despite the booster vaccination. “There are very many breakthrough infections. What we did not know is that even a booster vaccination with Biontech / Pfizer does not prevent this, ”said Wolfgang Preiser, member of the research consortium that discovered the variant, the“ Tagesspiegel ”.

At the same time, Preiser warned: “Of course you shouldn’t misunderstand that vaccination doesn’t help. On the contrary: It only shows that even the best possible vaccination is obviously not enough to prevent infection – which we already suspected. ”The study by Preiser and colleagues from Thursday has not yet been published in a specialist journal.

None of the seven Germans between the ages of 25 and 39 had to deal with a severe course of the infection. “Of course you can now say: These are young people anyway. But one can assume that at least a severe course will be prevented, ”said Preiser from Stellenbosch University near Cape Town. The research team draws the conclusion: Although the results underscore the need for vaccine adaptation, protection against serious illness is likely to remain intact after a booster vaccination.

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