Closest Black Hole to Earth Discovered

Using the International Gemini Observatory, scientists managed to reveal the closest known black hole to Earth. From a cosmic point of view, this black hole is almost right under our noses.

Black holes are among the most unique and rare structures in the universe. It is believed that there is a supermassive black hole at the center of every galaxy. Extremely dense celestial bodies smaller versions is much more common. According to estimates, there are 100 million black holes even in our own galaxy, the Milky Way.

black holes very few have been discovered. Nearly all of these discovered samples are active, meaning structures that emit bright X-rays and pull matter from nearby celestial bodies.

A black hole was discovered “only” 1600 light-years from Earth.

The black hole, called Gia BH1, is only visible from Earth. 1600 light years is far away. When we look at it on a cosmic scale, this distance almost becomes our backyard. Located in the constellation Ophiuchus, this black hole is currently inactive. Astronomers studied the movements of the black hole’s stellar companion to reveal its existence.

of scientists “Take the Solar System, take the black hole for the Sun, and the Sun for the Earth. That’s the system we’re reviewing.” system, which he describes as International Gemini Observatory reviewed by review results, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society was published in the magazine.

Researchers have made similar discovery claims before, but these claims are turned out to be false told. Scientists had previously determined the possible location of the black hole by examining data from the Gaia spacecraft.


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At this stage, this black hole how it came about There is no definite information about it. Scientists will continue to work to clarify this issue.


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