Climate Change Destroys Rainforests

According to research by scientists, the lifespan of trees in rainforests has been shortened by half due to the impact of climate change on ecosystems. The world is in great danger.

Climate change is a problem that has been at the center of the world’s agenda for years. While climate change already has many bad effects, new ones continue to emerge. The researchers obtained alarming findings in their studies.

The worrying information scientists have found is: the lifespan of rainforest trees in Australia, we passed Shortened by half in 35 years and apparently because of the impact of climate change on ecosystems.

If the rainforest continues like this, it could become a carbon emission hub.

The shortening of the lifespan of trees in these rainforests is really worrying news because these forests They are important carbon absorption centers on our planet. If their lifespans are reduced, the new ones will take too long to grow in our galaxy. The amount of carbon dioxide may increase and the result would not be pleasant for the Earth.

Yadvinder Malhi, an ecologist at the University of Oxford, “The possible driving factor we have identified, namely the drying of the atmosphere caused by climate change and thus global warming, suggests that similar increases in tree death rates may occur in the world’s tropical forests.” says.


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If climate change does not come to an end somehow, as a result of the death of trees in the rainforests, they can become carbon centers and The fight to limit global warming to below 2°C may become more difficult. What are you thinking? Please do not forget to share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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