Claim: OpenAI Could Turn into a For-Profit Company

According to a new claim, CEO Sam Altman wants to restructure OpenAI. The manager’s goal is to transform the company into a for-profit organization.

OpenAI, whose artificial intelligence models are used by tens of millions of people, is currently one of the most popular companies in the world. In fact, the company was initially established as a non-profit organization.

However, in 2019, it abandoned this approach to develop artificial general intelligence (AGI).limited profit-oriented It had turned into an organization. This meant that the profit side was managed by a non-profit organization. However, new information shows that CEO Sam Altman is considering restructuring and opening OpenAI. plans to turn it into a regular company revealed.

OpenAI may soon become a regular for-profit company

According to the allegation made by The Information, based on a source close to the subject, Altman It has a structure similar to most for-profit companies today. He wants to transform. The 39-year-old CEO wants to increase their capital while continuing to serve their mission. Of course, this is a claim. There is no statement from OpenAI or Altman on the subject yet.

This is not surprising. OpenAI’s products, which have received billions of dollars of investment from Microsoft, are currently being used like crazy all over the world. According to the information received, currently worldwide More than 180 million ChatGPT usersI have. We also know that the company makes money with its paid ChatGPT Plus subscription. All this reveals that it can change its current structure and turn into a for-profit organization.

These allegations were made by former OpenAI board member Helen Toner It came in the wake of her allegations against Sam Altman. Toner, who was involved in Altman’s firing in November, spoke about the CEO’s firing a few days ago. Former manager, Altman that he withheld information for years, misrepresented to the board what was going on in the company, and sometimes even lied. he stated.


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Describing Altman as a “liar”, Toner stated that the board was even aware of ChatGPT’s launch in November 2022 via X (Twitter). He also added that he lied about his financial interests in OpenAI. According to Toner, Altman repeatedly said that he was a part of the company with no financial interest. OpenAI’s multimillion-dollar Startup fund was the owner

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