Cities with the Most Expensive Public Transport Fares [Güncel]

Public transportation costs of 45 cities were compared. The investigations revealed that Istanbul is one of the cities with the most expensive public transportation system. Here are the results of the research…

We know mostly with the discount coupons it prepares for internet shopping, but it also makes important public opinion researches from time to time. Picodishared the result of a new research that we Turks will be most upset about. Picodi analysts, covering 45 cities”Public Transport Fare Comparison in Big CitiesHe shared the results of his research named “. Our most populous city, Istanbulunfortunately, was among the leading cities in this research.

Picodi worldwide for the research in question in 45 cities examined the official public transport prices. Then he calculated the ratio of transportation fees to average salaries in those cities. The calculations were striking because an individual working with an average salary in Istanbul has to spend 7.5 percent of his salary on public transportation. Istanbul, which was included in the research with this statistic, second most expensive city was recorded as. At the summit is Sao Paulo, one of Brazil’s most famous cities.

The cities with the most expensive public transportation fees are as follows:

In Picodi’s research, for public transport fares in Istanbul, IETT’s website used. In cities such as Sao Paulo, London, Kiev or Dublin, the team studied local companies operating like IETT. Analysts, who have reached the monthly average salary data from the global statistical database Numbereo, in the last stage of the research, said that Google Finance’s currency conversion system They converted local currencies used in cities to the euro. Here are the cities with the most expensive public transportation fees as a result of this process:

  • Sao Paulo: The monthly cost of public transportation is 14.3 percent of the average net salary.
  • Istanbul: The monthly cost of public transport is 7.5 percent of the average net salary.
  • London: The monthly cost of public transportation is 7.4 percent of the average net salary.
  • Kyiv: The monthly cost of public transportation is 7 percent of the average net salary.
  • Dublin: The monthly cost of public transport is 5.2 percent of the average net salary.
  • Melbourne: The monthly cost of public transportation is 5.1 percent of the average net salary.
  • Minsk: The monthly cost of public transportation is 4.9 percent of the average net salary.
  • Riga: The monthly cost of public transportation is 4.7 percent of the average net salary.
  • Zagreb and Belgrade: The monthly cost of public transportation is 4.4 percent of the average net salary.

Cities with the cheapest public transport:

Cities with the cheapest public transport

  • Tallinn, Valletta and Luxembourg: The monthly cost of public transportation is 0 percent of the average net salary.
  • Berlin: The monthly cost of public transportation is 1 percent of the average net salary.
  • Madrid: The monthly cost of public transportation is 1.1 percent of the average net salary.
  • Zurich and Prague: The monthly cost of public transportation is 1.3 percent of the average net salary.
  • Vienna: The monthly cost of public transportation is 1.7 percent of the average net salary.
  • Warsaw, Brussels and Reykjavik: The monthly cost of public transport is 1.8 percent of the average net salary.

Here, “Monthly transit cost, 0 percent of average net salaryThe phrase ” may have confused you. Let’s explain right away; Tallinn, the capital of Estonia, Valletta, the capital of Malta, and Luxembourg. public transport free. In other words, people do not pay any price for public transportation. As such, a cost not coming out.

We are at the top of the “unhappiness” level as we are at the top in public transportation!


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