Christian Lindner re-elected as FDP chairman

Christian Lindner

Two more years leader of the Liberals.

(Photo: IMAGO/serienlicht)

Berlin The FDP has confirmed its chairman Christian Lindner for another two years in office. At the federal party conference in Berlin on Friday, 88 percent of the delegate votes went to the 44-year-old.

There was no doubt about Lindner’s re-election as party leader. Two years ago he was confirmed in office with 93 percent of the votes. However, it remained unclear whether the Federal Minister of Finance would receive a reminder from the delegates in view of the party’s recent defeat in state elections.

Lindner has been chairman of the Liberals since 2013 and, after four years of extra-parliamentary opposition, led the party back into the Bundestag in 2017.

More: Proof of distrust for Christian Lindner – the majority of citizens reject stock pensions

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