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Senior trader Peter Brandt has recently been hit by an altcoin project he promoted instead of DOGE. Shortly before FTX’s bankruptcy, it supported the now crashed cryptocurrencies and NFTs.

DOGE and XRP communities blame Peter Brandt

Known for his accurate forecasts, the trader and analyst is the focus of criticism for creating a false perception of Solana. The seasoned name is subject to harsh criticism, especially from the XRP community. The comments came in response to Brandt tagging Solana in tweets about the ChartWizardsNFT launch yesterday and today.

Solana price went into free fall with the FTX crash in November. The altcoin, which is closely associated with the bankrupt exchange, is currently moving away from the top 20 by market cap. In the first days of November when the event occurred, it lost more than 70% in a seven-day period. Similarly, FTT and SMR are in decline. This is why the community is reacting to Brandt still supporting the Solana ecosystem. The experienced name had previously advertised some NFT projects…

Peter Brandt’s reactionary tweets

The experienced investor has been harshly criticizing the NFT market since last year. Still, it’s surprising that it has recently supported an NFT collection. “Personally, I see most of the NFT on par with Beanie Babies and Pet Rocks,” Brandt tweeted in May. In October, he moved into supportive territory from that view, implying that NFT projects would eventually go to zero. On October 13, he tweeted, “Some NFT Projects will succeed.”

In particular, ChartWizardsNFT was one of the NFT projects Brandt was promoting. The veteran investor has often said in his YouTube videos that ChartWizardsNFT is not just a “JPEG project.” At the same time, he highlighted the project, saying that it is a community of traders. According to the video, Brandt says he got the idea as early as March 2021.

New NFT project will start on Solana network

After the above facts, the XRP community did not like Brandt’s mention of Solana. Brandt was also one of the harsh critics of XRP. Someone on Twitter said it was pointless for Brandt to bury XRP and glorify Solana.

Another Twitter user expressed similar sentiments. He described the senior investor’s shares as “JOKING”. He found it surprising that Brandt is now supporting Solana.

Peter Brandt is known for his identity, especially against altcoins. He has given considerable criticism of XRP in the past. In July, he described XRP as a “fraud token.” Despite this, it is worth noting that he is known for his accurate predictions among the community. You can check out the predictions we’ve compiled here.

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