China will produce its own special processor against the USA

The United States has imposed many technological sanctions on China in recent years. The USA shows why the country’s brands are directly related to the Chinese state and army for its sanctions in this area. America thinks that it protects the security of the country with the sanctions it imposes in the field of technology. The US has finally decided to impose sanctions on China for ARM Neoverse technology. China, on the other hand, will now produce processors for itself against the USA to counterattack. Let’s take a look at the details of the news together.

China will produce processors for itself due to US sanctions

The US has decided not to export ARM Neoverse technology to China. This technology is actually a British brand affiliated with the United Kingdom. But since its production takes place within the borders of America, it also gets its share of sanctions.

The US sanctions against China will apply to ARM’s Neoverse V1 and Neoverse V2. But this will still lead to huge losses. Because Neoverse N1 and Neoverse N2 are quite weak compared to other series. Due to all these sanctions on the USA, China will produce processors for itself in order not to depend on the outside any longer.

Two more countries joined the technology war between the USA and China!  Tension is rising

Two more countries joined the technology war between the USA and China! Tension is rising

The technology war between the USA and China is heating up! So what’s going on between countries and how will we be affected?

Alibaba, on the other hand, thinks that, based on these sanctions, America will not sell good products no matter what. An engineer from Alibaba explained his thoughts on the subject as follows:

“We think the western world sees us as second-class people. Even if we have money, they won’t sell us good products.”

On the other hand, the ARM Neoverse sanctions imposed by the USA on China also affect the processor companies in Shenzhen. One of the companies thinks that the transition to the Neoverse N2 series in a short time will not be appropriate due to the strength of Neovers V1.

What do you, our readers, think about this issue? Do you think it is right for the United States to impose such heavy sanctions on China? You can express your thoughts in the Comments section.

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