China Brought a Sample to Earth from the Invisible Side of the Moon

The Chang’e 6 vehicle, which China sent to the invisible side of the Moon a few months ago, returned to Earth. The vehicle made history by bringing samples from the other side of the satellite.

China, which has increased its moves in space research in recent months, Chang’e 6 He sent the spacecraft named after him to the Moon. The vehicle was launched into our satellite earlier this month. to your invisible face had landed.

Chang’e 6’s mission is from the far side of the Moon rock and soil samples It was a first in human history by collecting the The mission was completed successfully yesterday.

Chang’e 6 brought samples from the invisible side of the Moon to Earth

The vehicle went to Mongolia in the morning the other day. landed. He successfully brought the samples he collected from the Moon to our planet for scientists to examine. These, 2.5 million year old volcanic rock It is said to contain many important examples, including:

Chang’e 6, which landed on the Moon at the beginning of June, collected rock and soil samples with the help of a drill in just over 48 hours. Afterwards, it started its return to Earth. Let us note that China became the first country to reach the invisible side of the Moon in 2019. With Chang’e 6, they achieved another success in this regard.

The samples, reported to weigh 1.8 kilograms, will be analyzed by researchers. Mysteries about the formation and evolution of the Moon We will wait and see what kind of information it will provide us about it.

The other side of the Moon was generally described as the “dark side” by the public. But this not true. There is no such thing as the Moon not receiving light. Day and night occur on the entire surface of the satellite. The reason why the other side is not visible is the similarity of the rotation of the Moon to the rotation of our planet. Therefore constantly same side We see.

Chang’e 6’s return to Earth

The vehicle landed on the Moon like this:


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