China Bans Children Under 16 From Broadcasting

China, which has recently imposed restrictions on children, has banned children under the age of 16 from broadcasting live. Children will be supervised with a nationwide identification system.

Over the past few days, China has made some decisions that shocked the world electronically. The country, where cryptocurrencies are banned, the time to enter online games for those under the age of 18 and the use of TikTok for those under the age of 14, has also taken a new decision for children today. With the new decision Children under the age of 16 are prohibited from broadcasting live.

According to the news published by The South China Morning Post, the State Council of the People’s Republic of China introduced new limitations for the 10-year plan called ‘child development’. These limitations include how much time and money children spend online with online services, including children’s live streaming services. their limitations he wanted.

To be audited by the identity system:

Within the framework of these restrictions, platforms that provide live broadcasting services cannot allow children under the age of 16 to access the platforms. to register as a publisher banned. There will be no way to circumvent this newly introduced regulation. Because the regulation will be implemented through an identity system within the framework of the system that will manage the development of children.

The reason was the same in China’s previous restraints:

At the beginning of August, China defined online games as ‘addictive’ and announced that limits should be imposed on them. After one month, those under the age of 18 except for one hour on weekends They were forbidden to play games. These bans also had a huge impact on Chinese giant game companies.


What Happened: China Restricts TikTok Use by Under-14s


China Restricts Online Games Entry Time for Under-18s

Two companies lost nearly $60 billion in value over 24 hours:

Chinese game giants Tencent and NetEase have been in business within 24 hours of this decision. totaling more than $60 billion lost its value. Despite this, Tencent said in a statement to Bloomberg that they appreciate this limitation brought by the regulators and will strictly follow the rules with them.

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