Children May Be Choosing Food Because of COVID

According to a guide published in the UK, children who choose to eat may actually be doing so because of an illness they have suffered from COVID. So much so that this discomfort can reach serious points when not noticed.

The University of East Anglia and the non-governmental organization Fifth Sense in England, defined as the misperception of smells seen in humans. smell disorder called ‘parosmia’ prepared a guide. guide, especially thought to choose food that children may actually suffer from this condition, which may be caused by COVID explained.

Parosmia, which causes a different or poor perception of smells, is a common side effect in adults with COVID. However, according to the guide, when this condition is seen in children, it is caused by the discomfort of children. can get cold from some dishesIt is stated that he may even have difficulty in eating. While parents perceive this situation as ‘choosing food’, the situation is actually very different.

COVID may be the reason children choose food:

An example on this subject is also presented in the guide. 11-year-old Malisse Kafi, who caught COVID in September because it looks like feces and rotten eggs He was unable to eat. His mother, Dawn Kafi, stated that the food caused her son to gag and gag. So much so that the child lost two kilos and was hospitalized within two months due to dehydration.

Although Mother Dawn Kafi also cooked the food that her child loved, Malisse still did not eat the food and became more sick. The boy, who went to the hospital, was eventually diagnosed with parosmia and was given a nasal spray. But when this does not provide any benefit, the child had to be tube fed. Malisse can now eat certain foods, such as salmon.


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Duncan Boak, from the Fifth Sense non-governmental organization, said in a statement that they received information from the parents of children with nutritional problems and weight loss, that doctors attribute the condition only to choosing food. explained. In the guide published by the university and the institution, a few recommendations were given to parents on this subject.

Accordingly, by encouraging children to eat simpler foods, it can be seen which foods they do not respond to, and nosebleeds while eating. by attaching a soft latch Odors can be blocked. A simple technique of sniffing at least four different scents twice a day for several months can also be used to aid healing.

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