Child Abuser Suspect Sentenced to 22 Years in Prison

Joe Eddie Stephens, of Weatherfod, Texas, was on trial for suspected possession of child pornography. A video has surfaced of Stephens smashing his computer. As a result of the investigations on his phone and computer, the suspect received a total of 22 years in prison.

71-year-old Joe Eddie Stephens in child pornography case over family suspicions was on trial. Stephens, with 24 hammer interventions to prevent the authorities from intercepting the data on his computer. smashed your computer appeared.

The lawsuit began in May 2019 when Joe Eddie Stephens’ son learned that his father had taken in two young girls from his granddaughter’s elementary school. Stephens was taking pictures of two teenage girls in swimsuits. Suspicious, Stephens’ son checked the browser history on his father’s computer and found that his father had previously accessing child pornography he saw. After the discussions that followed, the police were called and an application was made to the court.

Old man who smashed his computer sentenced to 22 years in prison

Confronted with his family for child pornography, Stephens said the search records were does not belong to him He claimed that someone else had accessed his computer. The old man, who could not answer the questions of his family members, by committing suicide threatened. The suspect’s family called the police. Enraged, Stephens threw his computer to the ground before the police arrived. Then he took it to the garage smashed the computer with a hammer. Stephens’ wife recorded the moments when he smashed the computer. Police obtained a search warrant and confiscated his computer and cell phone. District Attorney Jeff Swain said that the computer was destroyed and that the authorities can’t access any video told. But the girls in swimsuits doing gymnastics on Stephens’ cell phone. video there was.


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Travis Warner, Assistant District Attorney on the case, on the defendant’s phone numerous He said they found an erotic child image. Warner, “These images were of pre-teen girls dressed in underwear posing in sexually provocative ways.” said. When the old man’s computer was destroyed and thus the evidence could not be accessed, Swain was sentenced. “Destroying evidence leading to a defendant’s conviction is evidence of the suspect’s allegations” said. As a result of court investigations, 71-year-old Joe Eddie Stephens was given 12 years for incitement to child pornography and 10 years for attempting to destroy evidence. imprisonment given.

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