“Characterless and humanly pathetic” – Wüst for stronger control pressure for print runs

Of the North Rhine-Westphalian Prime Minister Hendrik Wüst (CDU) has voted for one higher control pressure to enforce the tightened Corona requirement. “We need much more regular spot checks – not only in public transport, also in restaurants and everywhere where 2G and 3G or 2G plus applies,” said the CDU politician in the ARD program “Report from Berlin”. North Rhine-Westphalia does it in regional traffic in such a way that the state gives the train operators money to hire additional control personnel. “We now have a de facto lockdown increasingly for the non-vaccinated in order to protect them – also to motivate them to get vaccinated after all”, stated the NRW Prime Minister. But it won’t work without controls. “We need control pressure. And then – in the event of violations – we also need tougher penalties, which we are also imposing in North Rhine-Westphalia, for example, with a new catalog of fines. “

When fighting the pandemic, the Prime Minister explicitly advocated Solutions that take into account both the different incidence rates in the federal states and people’s vaccination status. “I think we also have to be careful that we don’t basically open the door again to those who did everything our society wanted them to do – namely, paid attention, had themselves vaccinated – with a general lockdown slam your nose, ”emphasized Wüst. He also currently sees no basis in regions where the vaccination is very good and where people are careful to do the same as in regions where development is getting completely out of hand.

Wüst appealed to the players of the First Bundesliga to live up to their role model function. “You should kindly get vaccinated. At least that would be my urgent request. If you don’t do it – there are prominent examples of this – then we have to try to regulate it legally. We’re at it right now. “

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