Cardano Inventor Announces: What Awaits ADA in 2022?

Smart contract platform Cardano (ADA) maintains long-term growth in the global market, while Charles Hoskinson looks forward to a busy 2022. In a new chat, Cardano founder and CEO talks about 2021 milestones and future goals he’s working on. Details are on

What’s in for Cardano in 2022?

One of the main goals on Hoskinson’s list is to use blockchain technology to facilitate affordable loans to the world’s poorest through DeFi. The CEO believes that empowering people on the African continent financially can have far-reaching effects that could revolutionize traditional finance. On the subject, the CEO says:

My goal for the second half of 2022 is to figure out how to put all the pieces together to achieve an end-to-end microfinance transaction on Cardano. Peer-to-peer, person-to-person, click a button, credit goes to them. What is a good credit score? What other products and services should be found in real finance in Africa? And how are we going to spread it all over Africa? This is the dream.

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Hoskinson discusses a series of technological milestones outlined for the year ahead. Famous CEO says:

In the next year, an official open source project structure such as Hyperledger to Linux will be created. We’re going to see a lot of wired institutions and all the people working on it now, including myself, will be revamped…We have pipelines to come, input validators to come. Peer to peer is currently being tested on the testnet with share pool operators and a lot is going on there.

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Hoskinson concludes by noting how following the initial technical goals leads to the achievement of future goals in a cascading way.

We started with accuracy as our highest priority and now [o] Once achieved, we move on to performance tuning optimization, usability, and these factors. We stage everything appropriately, and we begin to see a refinement in the science of things. Adoption is there. The community is there. We reached nearly two million people.

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