Cardano Based NFT Marketplace Cadalabs Launches Pre-Sale Process!

Cardano welcomes the first NFT and digital collectibles marketplace called Cadalabs. Cadalabs is the first Cardano-based marketplace to have a native token for private label digital goods, artwork and merchandise. The market for Cadalabs NFTs and crypto collectibles is a huge success for Cadalabs’ development team. Soon this Marketplace will be flooded with art, digital artifacts, products and services by Cadalabs’ community, creating a reputation-based economy on the platform.

Cadalabs is growing fast

The Cadalabs community is growing much faster than expected. Cadalabs, which started its visionary mission for NFT with just over 200 community members and reached more than 20,000 followers on social media just a few weeks after its integration with the Cardano Blockchain, is still considered one of the projects that “must be on the radar”. Currently, the Cadalabs project is growing much faster than expected and oversubscription is expected for the local token pre-sale. Cadalabs’ native token (CALA) implementation will take place as follows:

  • Tokens will be available in staked and unstacked forms. Staked tokens will provide users with platform functionality.
  • It empowers the Democratized Autonomous Platform (DAP), enabling users to participate in corporate decisions and shape the product roadmap.
  • It allows owners to purchase physical and virtual goods, content and services in a decentralized marketplace.
  • It rewards digital content creators who produce measurable value, determined by community consensus.
  • It shares ad revenue with users who choose to see the ads. By purchasing more tokens, users can earn a larger portion of the revenue they generate.

Project succeeded in token sale

Cadalabs had great success with its exclusive sale of CALA tokens, where the project raised a total of $1,000,000 before going on pre-sale! Interested investors still have the opportunity to purchase CALA Tokens on the Cadalabs pre-sale page. For those who adopt the Cadalabs pre-sale, the following benefits are highlighted:

  1. Those who adopt the Cadalabs pre-sale will receive 10 percent of the total tokens purchased in the pre-sale. Cadalabs pre-sale participants will receive a special badge attached to their username on the platform. First mover advantage is key when it comes to social networks, and the team wants to ensure that pre-sales contributors stand out as early adopters. These badges will be used as verification badges making it easier to get noticed and build reputation on the platform.
  2. Cadalabs’ pre-sale participant are Cadalabs’ market makers and liquidity providers are entitled to receive liquidity incentives from every transaction made on the Cadalabs platform.
  3. Pre-sale participants will be the first to use the Beta platform, which is nearing completion.
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Once fully functional, the Cadalabs NFT marketplace and social platform will become a global community marketplace for NFTs, digital content, products and services with a single native token (CALA Token). It features a remarkably original proof-of-value protocol, hoping to be the first platform to decentralize spam without the need for any central moderators. Join the Cadalabs community for exclusive news and improvements.

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