Can Snakes Kill Themselves By Stinging?

When snakes bite another creature, they can kill them in seconds. Well, while the venom secreted by snakes is so dangerous for the creatures they see as potential prey, does the same venom harm its owner when they bite themselves?

This poison is a secretion made of protein and produced in the salivary glands. Although this poisonous secretion is specific to the snake species in every snake, it creates the same deadly effect in essence. Such as viper, black mamba, pama and cobra snakes just a few of the most venomous species known.

These creatures to poison We can say that they need it because they can neutralize the animals they hunt. Well, let’s take a look at the effect of this epidemic, which harms everyone, on snakes.

The venom helps snakes digest their prey.

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The proteins in the snake’s venom are not beneficial for other living things. For example, when injected into human flesh, a person can die within a few seconds. In this venom, special chemicals are used to quickly break down and digest large molecules. enzymes is found. Thus, snakes can easily break down proteins, carbohydrates, nucleotides (building blocks of DNA AND RNA) and phospholipids (found in the structure of the cell membrane together with proteins) in the body of their prey.

This is why the snake can send even giant creatures larger than its own size to death with a single bite. In addition, this poison contains polypeptic toxins, which contain the elements that make the poison. This poisonous secretion disrupts the structure and functioning of the cell It is a very dangerous weapon.

The bite of the snake is a lethal strike for the secretion of venom.


So why is this so? Because when the snake’s teeth pierce a tissue and enter it, the venom begins to slowly infiltrate into the opened wound. In some snakes the situation may be different. For example who with the saliva of snakes It can even secrete poison. Others can throw the poison so that there is no other choice but to say get well soon to the creatures there.

Spitting Cobra

For example, the “spitting cobra” is a snake species that has these skills. However, when the poison touches the skin of the other person, it does not kill him immediately, it harms him. Only when it comes into contact with the eye of its prey is this saliva fatal if not dealt with immediately. So this poison throwing is not intended to kill directly; it’s kind of like the snakes themselves defensive behavior.

Since the venom mechanism in all snakes consists of four main components, we can say that it works the same way.


The first component is venom glands; It is located in the head region and at the back of the throat. These produce the poison and store it for use when the time comes. The second component is the muscles in the head, which are used to envelop the prey and decide how many doses of venom to be secreted. The final hit is the teeth and canals inside the mouth. You can think of canals as a way for venom to reach the teeth. So this cycle is completed in the last teeth and poison poured into the teeth It is possible.

This poison burns you outside, but also burns its owner inside.

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As we mentioned at the beginning, the protein in the venom of snakes is not harmful to them. Of course, there is a situation that is that in order for these proteins to be a toxic factor for the snake, the venom must mix with the tissue of the body or the bloodstream. So yes; When the snake swallows the venom orally, it is not harmed. His stomach acid and enzymes in the digestive system breaking down deactivates it.

But let’s say they were bitten by another snake, then the venom goes straight into their bloodstream and that’s for them too. lethal It is possible. So when we go back to our initial question; For a snake to die of venom, it must either commit suicide or be bitten by itself or by another fellow snake. In short, the venom of snakes is deadly even for themselves when these conditions are met.

Resources: Science ABC, Outstanding Evidence


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