California Selected as the Most Ready State to Use Cryptocurrency

google searches, Bitcoin ATM California was determined as the state with the highest score, according to the “crypto readiness index” reports, which were calculated by taking into account the prevalence and other similar criteria.

According to a new study by Crypto Head, the state of California has been chosen as the state most ready to use cryptocurrencies. Considering the prevalence of Bitcoin ATMs in the state, as well as the increasing interest of the population towards cryptocurrencies, the state of California was determined as the most suitable state for this transition among US states.

In Cyrto Head’s survey, the state of California scored 5.72 out of 10; Following California, New Jersey scored 5.44, Texas 5.28, Florida 5.03 and New York 4.29. The state’s overall score was 2.54 points above the national average.

Better than other states in many different criteria, California lagged behind the state of New Jersey in terms of total Bitcoin ATMs available for use. The states of Texas and Florida, on the other hand, managed to get very good results in Google searches and the number of Bitcoin ATMs available.

The United States, which often tries to take a neutral stance towards cryptocurrencies, continues to enact regulatory and supervisory laws on cryptocurrencies. Despite all the decisions taken against cryptocurrencies, the USA is the largest cryptocurrency market in the world. In addition to this market size, the USA seems to be the country most ready to use cryptocurrencies in daily life across the USA. Total BTC trade volume in the USA in 2020; More than Europe, Nigeria and China combined. Again, in 2020, US citizens made a total profit of 4.1 billion dollars in crypto money transactions, and with this number, they managed to become the most profitable country in the world.