Bunkers Found Under 400 Thousand Houses in Switzerland

These places, called “Fallout shelters”, are located under many houses in Switzerland.

As you can guess from the name, fallout shelters are shelters for citizens in case of a possible nuclear attack. unaffected by the bomb in order to survive.

If you are ready, let’s take a journey towards these interesting shelters and when they were built, what was inside, what condition they are in today. let’s see.

The fear created by the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki and the uncertainty of the war years led to new laws in Switzerland.

According to this law, which came into force only in Switzerland in 1962, for the first time in the world, every citizen 1 square meter per person He has the right to shelter underground.

These underground shelters, called “nuclear fallout shelters”, are the ones that will emerge as a result of a nuclear attack. from pressure, light and radioactive fallout. (In the fireball resulting from the explosion, the evaporated material absorbs neutrons and turns them into nuclear materials. When this material condenses, a light sandy material emerges) for protection.

What’s in these shelters?

underground shelter

Shelters are used to prevent people from being exposed to radioactive fallout until the radioactivity drops to a safer level (sometimes a few weeks, sometimes a few months). at least 30 cm of concrete, 8 cm of lead, 20 cm of steel or above 90 cm of soil must have been done. The things that should be in the shelter are as follows:

Battery operated radio, shovel, pickaxe, bow saw with extra blade, hammer, shelter ventilation pumpcontainer, plastic bottle, fallout meter, at least 2 weeks worth of non-perishable food, matches, ventilated 20 liter box with heavy plastic bags to use as a toilet, medications, first aid kit, antibiotic ointment, enough candles to last at least 14 nights, kerosene lamp , flashlight, 4-8 liters of water per person…

Although the laws have changed slightly, there are still shelters.


Until 2012, it was mandatory to have these shelters under every house, but in 2012 the law changed and only In apartment buildings with more than 38 flats was made compulsory. There are currently enough shelters to house all 9 million people.

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