British Army Social Media Accounts Hacked: Cryptocurrency and NFT Shares

The British Army’s social media accounts were hacked and breached for nearly four hours. The attackers made posts about cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens (NFT).

The British Army, which apologized for the posts on its official Twitter account, said that it would initiate an investigation and that they would learn a lesson from this incident. Hackers who stole the Twitter account, “The Possessed” and “BAPESCLAN” NFT collections shared their fake and some NFT collections They retweeted their post.

During the event, Tom Watson, one of the producers of The Possessed NFT collection, shared a post on his Twitter account. that the information is fake and they report the account said it should.

The attackers, who retweeted NFT shares from their Twitter account, changed the name of the Youtube channel to “Ark Invest” and Cattie Wood, Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey posted videos. In the published videos, hackers demanding money, that they will pay back this money in double told.

All posts and links shared during the breach were removed by the British Army following the attack. who was behind the attack, how they did it, and how many people were affected by phishing and scam links No information has been shared yet.

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