Booster vaccination against the Corona winter? – The most important questions and answers

Corona vaccinations

Vaccination breakthroughs are increasing. Now a booster vaccination should help.

(Photo: dpa)

Berlin According to a current weekly report, the Robert Koch Institute (RKI) has recorded 117,763 likely vaccine breakthroughs – i.e. infections with symptoms – since the beginning of February. In view of over 55 million people who have been completely vaccinated, experts do not see any ineffectiveness in the vaccines;

However, in the face of the fourth wave, there is a growing call to offer booster vaccinations more widely. But how does a vaccination breakthrough come about? And how can a booster vaccination protect?

How do vaccination breakthroughs occur?

“You have to know: The protection against infection is no longer so good six months after the vaccination,” says the Bonn virologist Hendrik Streeck. Vaccine researcher Leif Sander from the Charité in Berlin explains: The best protection is one to two weeks after the second vaccination, after which the protection against infection slowly decreases. However, those who were vaccinated remained significantly better protected than those who had not been vaccinated.

The weakening effect does not come unexpectedly. Virologist Christian Drosten spoke in April about the fact that vaccinated people could contribute to the transmission of the virus again after a few months. Much more important than protection against infection, however, is protection against a severe course – it will continue to exist, emphasizes Streeck.

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The risk posed by vaccinated and unvaccinated infected people is different: “When vaccinated people become infected, according to a study, they briefly have as high a viral load as unvaccinated people,” explained Streeck. “But this falls off much faster. In this way, the vaccination shortens the period of time in which the virus can be passed on. “

According to experts, anyone who becomes infected despite being vaccinated should usually get mildly ill or not notice anything. In general, vaccination breakthroughs also occur with vaccinations against other diseases.

The percentage of vaccination breakthroughs in all Covid-19 cases shows “that only a small proportion of hospitalized Covid-19 cases cared for in intensive care units can be assessed as vaccination breakthroughs”. The RKI calls the increase in breakthrough infections “expected” over time: More and more people are vaccinated, the virus is spreading again more and more. “This increases the likelihood of coming into contact with the virus as a fully vaccinated person.”

For whom is a booster vaccination particularly important?

Infection with corona and a possible breakthrough in vaccination is particularly tricky for people of older age or with previous illnesses. The immune response is lower in the elderly after vaccinations, for example, and they can then become more seriously ill. The Standing Vaccination Commission (Stiko) expanded its recommendation for booster vaccinations at the beginning of October.

She is aimed at People over 70, People with weakened immune systems, nursing home residents, caregivers and medical staff with direct contact with patients. People who received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine can also improve their protection with a dose of mRNA vaccine. The vaccination ordinance provides the possibility to Refreshment but basically for everyonefor which there are approved vaccines.

Booster vaccination after a corona infection?

Vaccine researcher Leif Sanders believes that no refresher is likely to be necessary. “In vaccinated people, the infection probably acts like a booster.” However, sufficient data are not yet available.

Which vaccines are used for the booster vaccination?

Booster vaccinations are carried out with mRNA vaccines from Biontech and Moderna.

Is the booster vaccination free?

Yes, according to the Federal Ministry of Health, “all citizens can have a booster vaccination and are entitled to the costs incurred”.

Where can I get the booster vaccination?

Most booster vaccinations are available from your family doctor. But mobile vaccination teams from the vaccination centers or company doctors are also being used again. Basically, there may be a different regulation depending on the federal state, because they are responsible for the implementation.

Refreshment for everyone who is preparing to vaccinate?

For Charité scientist Leif Sander, the expansion would make sense in view of the corona development: “Offering all people who are ready to vaccinate a third vaccination six months after the second vaccination would also have a dampening effect on the spread of the virus in the population.” The third vaccination could improve immunity again significantly improve. “We would need a big campaign for six to eight weeks like we did at the beginning of the year, with vaccination centers and mobile vaccination teams.”

Sander also referred to the experience of Israel, where the previous wave was “boosted”.

Opponents of an expansion of booster vaccinations, including Hendrik Streeck at the moment, argue, for example, with the global shortage of vaccines. Other countries needed the cans more urgently. In addition, the health system would be relieved if vaccination gaps were closed for people over 60 – and less with third-party vaccinations for people in their twenties.

With agency material.

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