Bloomberg Analyst Draws Attention to Bitcoin’s Price-Hash Rate Difference: The BTC Bull Started When Last Seen

Bloomberg senior analyst Mike McGlone reiterated his positive views on Bitcoin (BTC), whose hash rate is constantly breaking records.

McGlone tweeted on Oct. in sharing“Bitcoin’s ever-increasing hash rate” a measure of the strength and security of blockchain defined as. He shared a chart showing that Bitcoin should be $ 70,000 at the current hash rate level.

Bitcoin when it makes such a difference between the latest price and the hash rate At $5,000 levels existed. McGlone, we are 19,000 levels of that time Similar to $5,000 stated that.

Senior analyst, this “gap” between price and hash rate Before the bull season starts in 2020 mentioned during the previous decline, and thanks to increased demand, adoption and regulation, Bitcoin is in an unstoppable way. mainstream adoption He implied that he was right. In a speech he attended yesterday, Bitcoin at the price of $100,000 He repeated the idea that he could reach his destination and explained that his adoption was on the rise.

The level that should be in the graphic shared by McGlone 72% Bitcoin cruising below, your $20,000 under $19,190 level is traded.

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