Black Liquid Flowing From Mountain After Earthquake Scared People

On the 6th day of two devastating earthquakes in Kahramanmaraş, the local people saw a frightening sight when they looked at Kuşkayası mountain.

After the Kahramanmaraş earthquake that took place on February 6, 2023, people are still following the rescue efforts with miraculous anticipation. Struggling with cold weather conditions on the one hand and fearing another earthquake on the other, the people caught the interesting activity on the Kuşkayası Mountain this morning.

As of this morning from Göksun Kuşkayası mountain in Büyükkızılcık district of Kahramanmaraş. ‘smoke’ started to rise. It didn’t even stop there. The people saw a black liquid flowing from the mountain.

Naturally, this situation caused the local people there to fear volcanic activity.

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