Bitcoin Will Get One Of Its Biggest Updates In November

A report about the update, which is expected to come to Bitcoin in November, highly praised the update. The Taproot update, which is stated to be one of the most important updates that Bitcoin will receive, will increase user privacy and allegedly; It will also bring the smart contracts feature found in Ethereum.

The most valuable of cryptocurrencies at the moment; At the same time, Bitcoin, which started a new era with its feature of being the first crypto money, is preparing to receive one of its biggest updates so far. Among the innovations expected to arrive in the next 2 months ‘smart contracts’ feature will be included.

One of the points that Bitcoin received the most criticism was that it did not improve itself and lagged behind other cryptocurrencies in terms of hardware. Then it was learned that Bitcoin will receive a major update around November. In the report of the cryptocurrency exchange Kraken, this The biggest innovations coming to Bitcoin it was mentioned.

“Left Behind” it will be like a reaction to your words

The last major update to Bitcoin was in 2017. it was SegWit. With this update, Bitcoin’s protocol was scaled. However, the statements that money lags behind altcoins did not stop. For many, Bitcoin was a cryptocurrency that stood by its name and was soon to die out.

The Taproot update, which is expected to come to Bitcoin in November, will be the biggest update that crypto money has received in the last 4 years, according to the statements of many sources. Bitcoin, which is said to lag behind other cryptocurrencies in terms of the features of this update, is expected to evaluate a little more in this sense. Of course, we cannot say anything about the changes that will be in material value for now.


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Taproot update, Bitcoin mining efficiency and privacy It will also strengthen the privacy of users. In addition, Bitcoin will allegedly add the smart contracts feature in Ethereum with this update.

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