Bitcoin, SHIB and Altcoins Will Rise On This Date!

Nicholas Merten, a renowned crypto analyst, says that leading crypto Bitcoin (BTC), Shiba Inu (SHIB) and other altcoin projects are poised for a big comeback in the coming months. For details keep reading.

“Bitcoin will return to $ 60 thousand”

In a new video show, Nicholas Merten tells Data Dash’s 513,000 subscribers that he is increasingly convinced that a spring rally is imminent in the market, especially Bitcoin:

I think we have a very good chance of seeing this spring rally we’re talking about here. My beliefs are getting stronger in this regard.

Source: Data Dash / Youtube

The analyst says that Bitcoin (BTC) will soon return to the $60,000 levels, a price range not seen since November 2021. Nicholas Merten predicts that the altcoin market, which is already gaining momentum, will recover in turn. The analyst makes the following assessment:

I really want to point out that as soon as April, if this trend happens, we could be back in this $60,000 range for Bitcoin. We can start a spring rally. But it’s not just for Bitcoin. I want to highlight this big moment. It is unlikely that this is just a BTC rally.

“This is why the market will start to rise”

“I know people usually think of Bitcoin first, altcoins second,” said the analyst, and if this market has proven anything, it’s that previous trends in the past aren’t the same this cycle. “We saw that Bitcoin and altcoins were gaining momentum in late 2020, just as we saw early 2021,” the analyst says.


The Data Dash server points out that certain altcoins are already heating up in the market, indicating that institutions are buying altcoins at market value in anticipation of a rise. “You have a ton of different altcoins,” the analyst says, which is one of his biggest signs. Nicholas Merten explains:

We’re starting to see a lot of random altcoins in the market making 10-20% gains for multiple days. And this is a really big sign that the market is not starting to passively accumulate or fill orders again. Smart money or institutions do not wait to fill limit orders. They take market orders, they take positions because they feel FOMO around the corner. The market will start to rise.

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