Bitcoin Avalanche Bridged Volume Breaks Daily Record: Exceeds 2,000 BTC!

A record was broken in terms of the volume of Bitcoin Avalanche Bridged (BTC.b) transfers sent to the Avalanche (AVAX) network in one go.

Data from on-chain analytics platform Dune Analytics revealed that a large amount of Bitcoin was moved to the Avalanche network. According to the data, on Thursday, March 2, approximately 44 million dollars worth More than 2,000 Bitcoins Avalanche-based decentralized exchange (DEX) BENQI FinanceMoved to. These moved Bitcoins were minted in exchange for BTC.b.

This mobility, Avalanche in one day sent to your network largest BTC.b transfer was recorded as. This is what happened $44 million After BTC.b minting, BTC.b’s circulating total supply 8,572rose to .

In the statements made by analysts, Avalanche community’s BTC.b greater control And mint area because he knows Better than WBTC It was suggested that he saw it as an option.

One of the most talked about and intriguing innovations of the last period is Bitcoin Avalanche Bridged. BTC.bin a way Wrapped to Bitcoin (WBTC) a rival is a bridging protocol. WBTC, a tokenized version of Bitcoin, with Bitcoin’s bridging process Ethereum (ETH) transferred to the network.

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