Binance Lists New Altcoins! Price Jumped

Moonriver (MOVR), an EVM-compatible parachain on the Kusama network, is listed on Binance. Trades will open on November 8 at 06:00 and trading pairs MOVR/BTC, MOVR/BNB, MOVR/BUSD and MOVR/USDT can be traded. Binance users can now start depositing MOVR in preparation for trading. Withdrawals for MOVR also open at 06:00 (UTC) on November 9. Details‘in.

A note from the exchange: Withdrawal time is an estimated time for users’ reference. Users can see the real status on the withdrawal page.

What is Moonriver (MOVR)?

Moonriver is an EVM-compatible Blockchain running as a parachain on the Kusama network. The network offers features to developers, including the ability to deploy Solidity smart contracts, Web3 compatible API, oracle price feeds, and Ethereum network bridges. MOVR is the network’s service and management token that can be used for network governance, paying transaction fees, providing liquidity and earning rewards through staking.

How did the MOVR price react after the Binance listing?

Moonriver (MOVR), one of the parachains of the Kusama network, has started to find new buyers with the upcoming parachain auctions on November 11. MOVR exploded around 30% after the Binance listing and recorded its ATH at $495.71. It is now trading 4.87% below this level, keeping its last 24-hour and weekly gains above 20%. MOVR had previously gained bullish momentum in August and faced strong resistance just below $500. It is now trading at #107 and has a market cap of $925,506,221 as it slowly erodes this resistance.

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