Binance Lists 2 New Altcoins!

Giant Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange Binance lists 2 new altcoins. The exchange adds Ethereum Name Service (ENS) and Manchester City Fan Token (CITY) to its platform. Altcoin prices saw sharp moves after the news.

Binance lists 2 new altcoins! prices skyrocketed

Leading Bitcoin and cryptocurrency exchange Binance lists 2 new altcoins. The stock market made the following statement on the subject:

Binance adds Ethereum Name Service (ENS) and Manchester City Fan Token (CITY) to its platform. The exchange will launch trading pairs ENS/BTC, ENS/BNB, ENS/BUSD and ENS/USDT on 10.11.2021. The exchange will start trading on CITY/BTC, CITY/BNB, CITY/BUSD and CITY/USDT trading pairs on 10.11.2021. Users can now start depositing ENS and CITY on the exchange in preparation for trading. Withdrawals for ENS and CITY will open on 11.11.2021. Withdrawal open time is an estimated time for users’ reference. Users can see the real status on the withdrawal page. ENS and CITY Listing Fee: 0 BNB.

Altcoin prices saw sharp moves after the news. Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is up more than 150 percent. Manchester City Fan Token (CITY) has gained more than 75 percent.

What is the Ethereum Name Service (ENS)?

Ethereum Name Service (ENS) is a distributed, open and extensible naming system based on the Ethereum Blockchain. The job of the Ethereum Name Service is to map human-readable names such as ‘alice.eth’ to machine-readable identifiers such as Ethereum addresses, other cryptocurrency addresses, content hashes, and metadata. ENS is the native token of the system and is used for administration and voting on the use of treasury grants.

What is Manchester City Fan Token (CITY)?

Manchester City Fan Token (CITY) is a utility token that gives fans of Manchester City Football Club a tokenized stake in club decisions using Socios, a fan engagement and rewards platform for sports and entertainment organisations.

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