Binance Listed This Altcoin: Made The Price 4,300 Percent!

An altcoin was listed on the cryptocurrency exchange Binance and reached significant levels in terms of price. The altcoin Green Metaverse Token/STEPN (GMT), which promotes health and wellness, has reached an all-time high after its listing. Here are the details…

Binance listing blows this altcoin

The Green Metaverse Token (GMT) trades as one of two native assets available for the STEPN play-to-win (P2E) implementation. GMT is the STEPN management token. The Green Satoshi Token (GST) is the token of the game. According to Binance, users can earn tokens through their real-life workouts by purchasing sneaker NFT (non fungible token) through STEPN and being tracked via their phone’s GPS capabilities.

With the platform, it is also informed that you can mint the NFT of the sports shoes you want in a special way. A feature is offered to convert GST to USD Coin (USDC). Apart from administration, GMT’s roles include staking and providing access to in-app features. The app also has a decentralized wallet that can be used with iPhone and Android phones. The project has received support from major investment firms such as Sequoia Capital, Alameda Research and Solana Capital.

There was an increase of 4,300 percent

Binance added this coin to its Launchpad platform on Tuesday last week, when the coin was still worth $0.01. After a while, STEPN was officially traded on Binance, and then it went up. Monday saw a 4,300 percent gain, hitting $0.44. The coin has pulled back to $0.40, down 6% at the time of writing.

7-day GMT chart

STEPN was created by Find Satoshi Lab, an Australian-based fintech studio. The team won the 2021 Solana Ignition Hackathon playground and is part of the DeFi Alliance Gaming group. It is stated that GMT has a limited supply of $ 6 billion. As we have previously reported, Lark Davis, a cryptocurrency analyst, showed STEPN among the 4 altcoins to be bought in March.

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