Big Names Have Invested In This Mateverse Coin Project!

Binance Labs, the innovation and venture capital arm of Binance, confirmed today that the company is leading the launch round of Ultiverse. Thanks to the recent investment, Binance Labs plans to improve its metaverse coin offerings in the BNB Chain ecosystem.

Metaverse coin taps $4.5 million in funding from Binance Labs and DeFiance Capital

In addition to Binance Labs, the most recent initial funding round was co-led by Defiance Capital. Other investors include Three Arrows Capital and SkyVision Capital. Ultimate is working to connect Web 3 with a VR-enabled virtual world that will host the first AAA Blockchain game. BNB Chain Fund Investment Director, Gwendolyn Regina, made the following comments about the latest investment:

Blockchain games are still in their infancy. The first generation of GameFi was predominantly simple card-based games, and there is a great need for high-quality AAA games. That’s why BNB Chain is delighted to support projects like Ultiverse to unlock the full potential of GameFi.

Ultimate stated that the company will use the funds to develop the product, attract top talent and facilitate community growth. Additionally, the initial investment will make it easier for Ultimate to expand its operations. Binance Labs has significantly increased its investments in emerging blockchain and crypto companies over the past few months. As we have reported, in December 2021, he led Multichain’s $60 million funding round.

The Ultimate market will continue as a 3D MMORPG play-to-win

Ultimate will be released with its first built-in game, a 3D MMORPG play-to-win with a realistic ecosystem. And in this game, different roles of players will be able to interact with each other. On the future of Binance investment and technology, Ultiverse CEO Frank Ma said:

We are excited to grow Ultiverse with Binance Labs and the BNB Chain ecosystem as we share a shared vision for the Web3 gaming metaverse. I’m sure Ultimate will be a proof-of-concept that Web 3 and gamers alike are clamoring for. We will do this by providing complex virtual worlds and, more importantly, by providing ways to interact with and interact with these worlds in a truly collaborative way.

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