Avatar and subscription step from TikTok!

TikTok, one of the most popular social media platforms in the world, continues to incorporate new features. The application, which had a huge increase in the number of clicks during the shutdown period, also sets an example for its competitors.

A similar feature to the TikTok Avatar feature, which is currently under development, has been recently released. InstagramHe also came to The social media platform, which will bring many innovations besides Avatar, plans to increase user interaction. So what are these features? Let’s take a look together.

WhatsApp steps up work for Community feature

WhatsApp is working on many new features, especially Communities! What are these features, here are the details!

TikTok Avatar feature will bring movement to profiles

Social media expert Matt Navarra, last day twitter In a statement from his account, he stated that TikTok is working on new features. The most notable among them was Avatar. Avatar; main Snapchatin Bitmoji, iOSif in Memoji It looks like the symbols we are used to seeing by name.

As everyone knows, TikTok is an application that stands out with its visuals and videos. Users like themselves AvatarThey will have a place in practice by designing. It is unclear for now when the feature, which has many options such as hair color, face shape, mouth structure and more, will be used.

TikTok rolled up its sleeves for the Keyword Filtering feature

TikTok, is also working on new features that we know in other features and that will provide ease of use. The first of these Keyword Filtering it happened. Thanks to this feature, which is also available on Twitter, users can filter keywords and identify the videos they do not want to come across.

The second new feature is ‘Audio Live Broadcast‘ happened. Thanks to this innovation, users will no longer be able to open the camera and broadcast live with only sound. This feature will be very functional for users who want to broadcast live without showing their face.

TikTok will pay a monthly fee to access exclusive content from the creators they follow, including subscribers, stories and live videos. It will range from $0.99 to $99.99 per month, depending on the fee the creator will set, and. The user will be given a purple badge.

What do you think about the new TikTok features being worked on? Do you have a TikTok account and will you use these features? Don’t forget to share your thoughts with us by commenting…

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