Avalanche (AVAX) Listed on Europe’s Largest Crypto Exchange!

London-based cryptocurrency exchange Bitstampin his newly published blog post Avalanche (AVAX) announced that it will list it this week.

Europe’s largest exchange, also a synthetic version of the world’s number one cryptocurrency Wrapped Bitcoin (wBTC) will also list.

After listing, it will be possible to exchange these two tokens for euros and dollars.

Listing Consists of 4 Stages

The first phase of the listing will be launched – on March 10 – as “transfer mode only”. During this initial phase, deposits and withdrawals will be open but trading will not be activated yet.

In phase 2 on March 11, the two cryptocurrencies will only be in “post-only mode”. Limit orders and cancellation orders can be placed, but no orders will be completed at this stage.

This will be followed by a “border only mode” that will take place on the same day. Afterwards, it will switch to “full trade” mode and all order types and card purchases will also be enabled for new trading pairs.

Bitstamp, which was founded in August 2011 and is one of the first crypto money exchanges, continues to be an important industry player with a daily transaction volume of $ 267 million, and it comes to the fore from time to time with its listing of leading altcoins.

Last November, too cardanoyu (ISLAND), Bitstamp also listed at the beginning of December. shiba inuHe announced that he would support But the listing of the coin was delayed due to some technical glitches. It is not yet clear when the Shiba Inu will be listed.

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