Artificial Intelligence Just Pictured Human Fears

Can human phobias, fears experienced only by humans and often difficult to describe, can be visualized? We open the doors of our subconscious with artificial intelligence.

recently in writing artificial intelligences that visualize what we describe quite popular. We can even say that these software have become our toys, because these software successfully visualize even human expressions.

midjourney and Stable Diffussion artificial intelligence software named DALL-E 2 became more popular than software opened to a limited number of users. Because everyone can access and use it, everything is in your imagination.

For example, the following image was generated by artificial intelligence with the phrase “You are a fresh willow branch smiling for love”:

What is normally expressed in the original of the song by the fresh branch of the willow tree “long-lasting feelings have just bloomed” metaphor. However, when we look at the image and think about the lyrics of the song, we can say that artificial intelligence creates feelings that are difficult to describe. Those who wish can take a look at the entire content that we have visualized the Turkish lyrics with artificial intelligence:


Can You Know With Which Turkish Lyrics These Images Created By Artificial Intelligence?

Now let’s get to our main topic! We describe human-specific emotions such as spider phobia “arachnaphobia” or the phobia of staying indoors “claustrophobia” to artificial intelligence.

We use the artificial intelligence tool called Stable Diffusion, which is accessible to everyone, for this process. to every recipe Responding with 4 different alternatives We will try to include all the visuals that this artificial intelligence offers. We do not provide any detailed explanations when giving recipes to artificial intelligence. The format of the texts we will enter is as follows;

“Phobia name: short description, high-resolution, hyper-realistic photography”

So like this;

“Arachnaphobia: Spider phobia, high resolution photography”

Fear of closed or confined spaces claustrophobia Let’s start with…

PRECISE VISUAL for those with claustrophobia

PRECISE VISUAL for those with claustrophobia

Naturally, the results are more concrete when we call the fear of heights, namely “acrophobia”:

PRECISION VISUAL for those with fear of heights

We’re getting a little sensitive, don’t look at the “dentophobia” images if you’re afraid of going to the dentist:

PRECISE IMAGE for those who are afraid to go to the dentist

PRECISE IMAGE for those who are afraid to go to the dentist

If you have a phobia of public speaking “glossophobia”, here’s how… Artificial intelligence portrayed the fear from the eyes of both the audience and the presenter at once:


Don't be afraid to speak in front of the crowd

When the “hypchondria”, also known as “being sick with the disease”, is visualized, the events come to the prospectuses coming out of the medicine boxes:


illness sick

hypochondria 3

With the “sociophobia” text, which explains the situation of communicating with strangers and refraining from entering social environments, we come across images resembling people living in fear:



sociophobic person

Those who are afraid of clowns, that is, those who have “coulrophobia” should skip the images below; Not as much as Pennywise, but they won’t be the cutest clowns you’ve ever seen:

PRECISE VISUAL for those who are afraid of clowns

PRECISE VISUAL for those who are afraid of clowns

PRECISE VISUAL for those who are afraid of clowns

PRECISE VISUAL for those who are afraid of clowns

“megalaphobia”, which describes the fear of anything huge, such as large spacious buildings, cruise ships


The results for “thalassophobia”, the fear of deep waters in the seas and oceans, are quite interesting.

thalassophobia 1

teleasophobia 2


In the drawings of “spectrophobia”, the constant fear of ghosts, we see that artificial intelligence gives GORE-level results:

don't be afraid of ghosts




In “pediphobia”, the fear of seeing realistic dolls, the famous movie character Chucky does not exist, but there are results close to him:

PRECISE VISUAL for those afraid of dolls

PRECISE VISUAL for those afraid of dolls

He made ideal space designs for artificial intelligence horror movies for the “himiklophobia” experienced when entering or seeing foggy environments. However, in this example, we did not give the artificial intelligence the “forest” detail:

fear of fog


The consequences for “bogiphobia,” the fear of bogeymen, or more universally boogeymans, are gruesome:

don't be afraid of bogeys


Consequences for the fear of space, or “astrophobia,” include stars, nebulae, a planet and its moon:

fear of space


Images of creatures made of meat, even though we never mentioned it for the fear of eating meat, “carnophobia”:



Of course, there is also the opposite fear of eating vegetables “lachanophobia”, but here the results were not as unusual as the fear of eating meat:

fear of eating vegetables

The only meaning of “cyberphobia”, the fear of computers and technological devices, is artificial intelligence in the visual, and a human figure has been placed in the electronic environment:

fear of technology

There is also the fear of being away from the phone, it’s called “nomophobia” and this is the image he designed when we told the AI:


How did you find the results? If there are different content topics that you want to be produced with artificial intelligence, you can write them in the comments section.

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